Dear God! He has no idea what they've done to his work!
Dear God! He has no idea what they've done to his work!
Nice cover. Had a nice country rock sound to it.
Stupid, sexy Shadrach!
He truly is the greatest…
My wife!
At least with Season 2, you got the sense that time was moving slowly, like it would be a month or so between episodes. This season, it's felt like everything is taking place over just a few days.
If they had stuck with 10 episodes this season, then this wouldn't be a problem. The last was basically 2 episodes smashed into 1.
Do we really need a movie that explains how Morrissey became such a twat?
Damn! Now, I'll have to get my openly lesbian Xena fix from erotic sex stories on the Internet.
I like how they brought Benjen back just to kill him off.
I wonder what Ted Mosby thinks of this house.
And this house is Exhibit A in that case.
I wonder how many pornos were shot in that house.
That explains a lot but also raises further questions.
Who was the architect? And what was he or she high on when he or she designed it?
I like to think that GRRM is watching this season and thinking "How the fuck am I gonna fix this in the books!?"
Yeah, they are basically coasting on the fact that they put on great fight scenes this season.
Yeah, I was aroused for both.
Sounds better than Trump!