
Why do that when we can watch all the subpar 1990s sitcoms that we want?

Can they just have him play Superman as Henry Cavill from now on?

And, he's less beloved.

Would you prefer if he did a dance of dragons?

Fucking hell!

But, she thinks he's dead because she left him for dead.

She was kidnapped, but I don't have high hopes she'll be around for long.

I never I'd be looking forward to seeing another John Cena WWE Title reign, but good lord! Jinder Mahal is terrible as the WWE Champ!

I heard it was going to be set during The Cold War.

I just saw a video about Easter eggs from the last episode that pointed out something very interesting:

Stop with the cinematic universes! Movies should be movies! Not TV shows!

What do you mean by "if"?

Hollywood producer: Love the story, Mr. President, but we do have some concerns about the number of large breasted women throughout. Does every scene have to have five?

He was in the 1983 movie?

I don't get how you can just work out your upper body. A muscular upper body on chicken legs looks so weird.

"And, I said, 'Hickery dickery dock! Seinfeld, you should suck my cock!' OH!" *flips arm over head to smoke a cigarette*

Well, she wouldn't have been unwelcomed!

The Wall has magic spells carved into it somewhere (I think the foundation, but I'm just guessing) that prevents the dead from crossing over it. It's why Benjen couldn't go with Bran and Meera when he took them to it.

1. That's true. I don't think they ever mentioned who took over the Stormlands after The Baratheons were wiped out.

The fact that they never consummated the marriage was how Littlefinger was able to get The Boltons to agree to Ramsay's marriage to Sansa.