
Bees. My God.

Maybe he'll use rubber bullets.

That is just awesome.

So, has she met Deadpool yet?

Yeah, it sounds like the people who made this movie don't know that much about military strategy.

That sounds like a terrible idea.

How did that happen?

I don't think that's true.

Shit! This will be the 5th version! I wonder if that's a record.

Dear God, man! A good lawyer couldn't win this case!


Very few shows are animated in front of a live studio audience. It's a tremendous strain on the animator's wrist.

It's single camera, so they won't be using a laugh track.

What about Farscape?

It's like he's wearing nothing at all… nothing at all… nothing at all… nothing at all…

They must really be regretting that product placement in that Pitbull song.

So, is Jason Jordan actually Kurt Angle's son? Because they do look a bit alike.

Man, those were definitely 2005 hairstyles.

For the longest time, people cofused him with Johnny Depp. Then, Johnny had to go and become one of the biggest movie stars in the world.

American date. It's actually 6.10.17 for your part of the world.