hips and nips

Dear Lord, I forgot about that. It's depressing to me that a shit-ton of people paid actual money for those OSTs.

And they could have made it even better had they just made the simple choice to cut that stupid fucking Dashboard Confessional song.

In retrospect, I wasn't very clear about what I meant, and it was a really clumsy way to get it across. It's kinda pointless to explain now, but I apologize for getting snarky. I definitely don't want to be getting on the wrong side of motherfucking Gwahir, even if it's just on the internet.

Yeah, that helped a ton. I had no idea what the reviewer actually talked about, I just looked at the grade and immediately shamed her in the comments. It was just lucky that I brought up many of the same plot points she did.

Not to mention his inclusion with their drinking group. I'd imagine his cursing phrasebook has expanded drastically even if he's only spent that one evening with Ben.

I feel like I just watched a totally different episode from the reviewer. Not that it was the best episode of Veep, but I feel that it was a logical conclusion to everything that has happened so far this season. Of course, Amy and Dan working together, and concurrently with Jonah and Richard, with other Congressmen

I'll submit Furlong's "Live long and fuck off" for consideration.

Wait…. that's not true, is it?!

Spontaneanation seems so dependent on who's involved in the improv. There have been multiple times when I've thought that the interviewee should be involved with the improv, but instead they just and watch from inside the room. It's asking a lot for 3-4 people to pick up new characters as scenes change, and adding

To be fair, the base game did offer a loving tribute to that slow-burning S3 episode wherein Walt is forced to run 5 miles in the desert for some fucking stupid reason.

"I want to show her daddy's Thing!"

As a human, I obviously love Simon Pegg. But dammit, I wish he would've told me how to avoid breaking your neck while snowboarding 5 years ago.

Yeah, I never really understood how anybody over the age of 18 could watch that movie and idolize Belfort. The drug-addled, freewheeling financial type has been done so many times that seeing him as a hero never even entered my mind.

That reminds me. Why is Richard Linklater's nickname not Dick Link?

Geezer-mask Bane.

Because Indiana has to remind the rest of the US that by "religious freedom," the founding fathers actually meant "freedom to discriminate with impunity, justified by religion."

Oh, come on. Indiana is only this way because Scott Walker ruined Wisconsin. Indiana got jealous about how relevant Wisconsin had become and tried to one up them, which apparently means going absolutely crazy and allowing Jim Crow-style discrimination in your businesses again.

Eh, it was founded in Tennessee, but it was a HUGE deal in Indianapolis in the 1920s (where they basically controlled politics until the Great Depression). So… at least we're better than some backwater Tennessee village?

This law is one of about a thousand reasons I'm looking forward to getting out of this shithole state in four months. We all thought Mitch Daniels was a bigoted, xenophobic asshole, but Mike Pence has totally outdone him in a quarter of the time.