hips and nips

Yeah, but it also spent a lot of time discussing how the team came together at the expense of talking more about the '85 season itself. It seems disingenuous not to touch on more reasons why the magic didn't last as well.

Ditka really was just a figurehead for that team, and most of the players knew it. Ditka's STILL trying to convince himself that it was a joint partnership, but that team was average at best without Ryan running the best defense ever.

As a Bears fan, I enjoyed the documentary, but the lack of attention paid to the incompetence the front office showed post-Super Bowl was a bit disappointing. Halas no longer had the reins to the franchise, and Michael McCaskey started the organization on its long descent into near-irrelevance today. But that's a


Wait, so they've stopped endlessly promoting literally everything she does? Since when is it Important Pop Culture News that a middling comedian gets cast as a bit character in a movie we all know will be bad?

I mean, do you have a better idea for getting rid of them? Asking for a friend.

So many good ones. The view out of the back window of Drebin's car changing to different world cities, the toe truck, the endless body bag, etc. It's amazing the amount they packed into six episodes.

Hm. I hadn't really been exposed to what he wanted the show to be outside of listening to his podcast a bit, but it is a little surprising now that I know the context. His interview with Jeb at least showed off his political acumen in the way that made Report politician interviews so fascinating. He seemed most

I don't really get why everyone expected Colbert to shake up the late night formula, but without those idealism-colored glasses, this premiere showed tremendous potential. It felt like coming back home, seeing a late night show with Colbert's sensibilities and weird humor. If it doesn't restrict the show too much, I

Jason Mantzoukas, I guess?

But man, is it driving me crazy that she's wearing a Bronko Nagurski jersey. The complete opposite of being topical.


AV Club, pulling off the 'sclusy. Nice.

The missing "a" stands for "air." Taking it out makes it much heavier.

I had basically this exact comment in my head, only it went like this:

I would move out there in a heartbeat if I could, even with all the shitty people that are doing the same right now. The positives absolutely outweigh the negatives (especially if you're coming from Tampa, because that's an immeasurable upgrade). It could definitely be worse if zoning was a free-for-all, but, in my

It seems like you barely beat the influx of underemployed college grads, hippies, and, of course, all the guys moving out there because of marijuana laws. I just don't know that there's anything anyone can do to stop it now — the cat's out of the bag as far as CO is concerned. My ex is moving out to Boulder in a few

My recommendation to anyone that has to drive through Atlanta: if you can't come through at 2:30 AM, stop south of Kennesaw, but north of Atlanta proper. Leave at 6:30 in the morning and get through on I-75/85. It's fucking awful, but you'll miss the worst traffic of your life (if you aren't moving from LA) and you

Honestly (and I know people will think this is the most hipsterish shit ever), why can't we all live in Colorado?