hips and nips


I sort of felt like her desperate characterization didn't fit into how she previously presented herself. I never saw any daddy issues or dating problems for Shawna in previous episodes, so I don't understand why they would choose this method to expand her character. I seem to be in the minority here, though. I would

"Bing, bong, sing along. Your team's Al Gore cuz your views are wrong."

I tried, and thought Primm Pass was a bright idea. Died, then tried going further north. Cazadores. There must be a happy medium, but I don't know if I could handle it.

Speedruns were hurt more by the finicky combat system than hitbox frustration in my experience. It got very annoying when I would try to slide-kick a cop off a building while relieving him of his weapon, but instead would just slide up to him to be promptly shot in the top of the head. Ugh.

Really? Because I have 200+ hours in on NV, and I've yet to come close to completing the storyline. I think it's fair to sat that 3 is in the Elder Scrolls style, but it's unfair to say that NV is more plot heavy because it doesn't rely on this style. This might've not been what you meant, but I'm failing to see how

My favorite is "Back button: Advance"

I signed back into Disqus just to say that I have spent 3 years obsessing over tvtropes, and the cliche (I know the difference, dammit) I hate most is the choice in most RPGs and Adventure/Action games is the relatively recent move to include Anti-Grinding measures in video games. While I understand that becoming

"12 Years a Fuckface". That alone should've put it in The Best. Harmon's improvised movie clips, though, make it an inconceivable omission.

Everywhere he isn't filling with cowboy trees, he's filling with land virginnies. Which he then fills. With his penis.

I know someone's probably had to explain this before, but why is Rachel still in this story? Sure, she knew about Russo's DUI and everything, but it seems ridiculous that Frank would allow Doug to go to such lengths to protect her. Doesn't Frank usually deal with his loose ends in a more… direct way?

King of the dick nick

Harmon's pacing in his scripts was really raw back then, and you can tell: the story jumps from him finding the crime scene, to getting caught by the cop, to telling his entire backstory in the span of about 3 minutes (and the acting during these parts was not particularly solid either). I get feeling the writing

If this happens (and I really, really hope I can get miniseries of Dalton Wilcox and August Lindt), it really needs to happen after the second part of CBB's "Oh, Golly". Mostly because I need to hear Don DiMello's Supreme Ruler of Hell podcast.

Dammit, I had a gut feeling I was wrong about them getting married. And to think, the DVD of that season is sitting less than 5 feet from me.

Well, Grampa also married Marge's mom, which is not as creepy on the surface from Grampa's perspective, but horrifying when you think of the implications. And that was a Golden Age episode. *shudder*

That is quite a strong end to this wonderful project. I was kind of disappointed when I heard it would only be 8 episodes, but Daly can only top himself so many times. And god, what I would give to go to the live Patrick McMahon show.

The one thing I have to add to this discussion: the first half of this episode was endlessly quotable, and definitely picked up the pace from last week. The second half was decidedly slower, with more character than plot even as the story quickly resolved itself. Not sure whether this dichotomy speaks well for the

Except the streams put up during/directly after the episode airs are spotty at best, and they take ages to buffer even on a good connection. HOBOGO would've been a godsend tonight.