Stun Zeed

Aw guy

This is actually the second movie I've heard of involving a murderous unborn baby:

You suck for writing this article in a way that makes me reflexively not read it. Don't be all cute with the, "This a dialogue scene between me and the show that I'm reviewing!" just tell me what you think. You know what your article actually says to me instead of anything I want to actually read? "I'm a writer, but

I was on vacation on the Greek island of Syros, in the Aegean Sea, when Michael Jackson died. For two weeks his music was in every taxi, shop, & restaurant there.

Three 6 Mafia
You are all forgetting the most surreal moment in the history of the Academy Awards.

I only know about Tucker Max because I had a desk job for two years that required a lot of getting drunk at work & reading stupid shit on the Internet while make-believing that Death didn't come a couple steps closer.

I was going to make a joke but then I thought about Wong Kar-Wai's Happy Together. That movie's great.

You've obviously never punched a woman in the face.

Billy Zane was the worst thing about Twin Peaks

My last (black) girlfriend used to tell me I was the most comfortable saying the N-word out of any white boy she knew.

If we can't blame it on the T.V., then where does it come from? Obviously, we are weird if we have to ask such a question. Surely we must realize by now, except for the fact that we lie to ourselves so much that we get confused sometimes, that as contemporary Americans we have an almost magical ability to turn

The Future Is Cheese?
Reminded me of a rejected Newsweek article by Frank Zappa, circa 1981:
It's been suggested that the Gross National Product is perhaps not the best indicator of how well we are doing as a society, since it tells us nothing about the quality of our lives. But, is this something worth dwelling on