I Love My Wife

Do It Yourself, I'm guessing? I'm old, I dunno.

"Joanna Newsom is the greatest" still doesn't do her justice. Samburg is one lucky fella. I should know, given how much I love my own wife.

Shame on you for not asking him about his best role, jumping into that Christmas tree.

Jimmy Dormity being killed off in the Boardwalk season 2 finale turned my wife OFF the show. Cause she loved Pitt's face.

Haha he says he's working on Volume 10 right now so I wouldn't worry about deadlines, but you do absolutely need to start from Volume 1 if you're gonna read these. He says he was inspired by the latest boom of great television series and it very much reads like a slowly-developing TV show.

Yeah that character seemingly has 9000 thoughts at once at all times, very much following her process. Also one of the main characters is literally a video game programmer so you should read!

I'm in the camp that loved the first volume. For anyone curious, I personally thought it was deceptively a much more straightforward read than House of Leaves. Excited for volume 2 and I hope to hell it sells well enough that he can follow this through.

My wife and I agreed that the Mr. Bone impression by that Steve Carrell lookalike was absolutely dead-on.

He would be, if the real world would just stop hassling him. also, love my wife.

My wife finds all this theorizing quite amusing. Though she did have a friend who Blue Jay Leno back in their saucy college years!

Oops! Small doses! It's been a long day at the elongated boat factory, but I have to support my family somehow.

Colin Meloy
My wife can only take his voice in small voices, but I could spin his records all day baby!

Susan Boyle
My wife bought her album and the first thing I remember thinking was, my god, this man can sing.

My wife will sometimes watch TV while cleaning or doing laundry but not normally, because I usually take care of the housework so we don't grow old conforming to our pre-assigned gender roles.

Memories of Christian Slater
My wife and I have a fond memory of Christian Slater. We still had the last few episodes of My Own Worst Enemy on our Tivo when we stumbled upon The Forgotten. How is Christian Slater doing two shows at once, we asked. It was only then that we realized My Own Worst Enemy wasn't on TV any

Though my wife and I don't appreciate your language, we agree with the sentiment. Rubicon was a good show that made us think of our government in a new and thoughtful light. We'll especially miss that pilgrim Cale Ingram. My wife had a crush on James Badge Dale and because of that the third season of 24 was her

My wife says this movie is great.
Though I've never seen it. But I trust my wife.