
Solid A-/B+. It hit all the emotional high points I hoped it would, but took some wild(er than usual) leaps of logic to get there. To wit:

I really hope the "prequel" spin is only to avoid spoilers until the series ends. I'd be much more interested in a post-BB take on Saul; he's one character that doesn't need an elaborate backstory, IMHO.

Michael: There you are. Good news. Did some research. It turns out that 98% of people with skin cancer fully recover.
Kevin: Still scary.
Michael: Yeah, but it's not brain cancer. And it shouldn't stop us from having fun. You know what they say the best medicine is.
Kevin: Well, the doctor said a combination of


Gomie's SUV, but yeah.

That was dust kicked up by the car coming towards him. At the time Walt thought it was Jesse, but it was Gomie's SUV with Hank, Jesse and Gomie inside.

I'm changing religions, then.

Hank did everything but mention how today was his last day before retirement. Sheesh.

FWIW, I agree with you. I finally had the chance to watch this last night, and thought that it was a refreshing change of pace from other recent CC roasts.

Meth is in a race with drunk drivers for that title. And meth is losing.

And the locals usually prefer Sadie's anyway.

It's actually Albuquerque Studios, where most of BB was filmed.

My first thought, too. That'd be a hell of an hour of TV.

Reluctant moral compasses tend to get pretty moody.

But for the grace of brinner goes a perfect rating.

You've done fantastic service to one of my favorite shows, Donna. Very nicely done.

Magnets, bitch.

LOL. Indeed. I honestly didn't see your response, @Core Concept…I guess my mind was on a couple of other things.

Two reasons, I'm guessing.

In today's age of cinema, pale imitations of earlier, better films are considered the average.