
Because she could always… draw.

Odd. This may be the first recorded instance of a Fiat destroying something other than itself.

Twice. (Shiver.) Early on as a G.I. marrying a Korean girl so she could get her way paid to the U.S. (where it was implied she'd work as a prostitute) and then eight years later as Potter's son-in-law - who cheats on his wife.

Aw man, why'd you have to go and spoil the ending?

Talk about an actor making the most of his three-minute guest spot. Sadler (and Spencer Garrett) was awesome.

We saw the beginnings of Jeremy's tendency to dismiss what he feels superior to in the season premiere, regarding Galveston. Granted, he was on pretty solid ground there, but it was still a none-too-subtle prejudice.

I'm as dyed-in-red-wool-Conservative-note-the-capital-'C' as they come, but I'm with @avclub-85b0faa88b92483cbe957df7eb9602cd:disqus .

Religion is a helluva drug.

Yep, and continuing the film's logic, wouldn't the plane have lawn-darted into the Georgia countryside the moment he rolled it right side up?

Travolta is rated to fly several aircraft, including his personal Boeing 707 (as second-in-command.)

Eh, he's not wrong. A lot of Flight (plane stuff, and not) was pretty silly. Not "DC-8s dropping souls into volcanoes" silly, but still pretty silly.

Kung Fu Louie.

You forgot to credit Rhianna with that quote.

Pretty cockatoo-ey.

Parades play their part, too. Bastards.

Five for Fighting - "Nobody." The House of Blues concert version.

I'm not big on the concept of polyamory, though mid-90s Sofia Milos could probably change my mind on that.

A very nice tribute, obviously written quickly yet still carefully researched and, above all, poignant and heartfelt. I'm not ashamed to say the last line made me tear up.

Can't wait for the Richard Belzer Muppet!

Could have been, especially since something similar happened with S1's "How Are Things in Glocca Morra?" due to Robert Guillaume's stroke (the plot point that drove that title will finally surface later this season.)