Bwoah. So that happened.
Bwoah. So that happened.
Debatable. "I Do", on the other hand…man, that ending.
I was pretty tepid on Lost's first season on premiere viewing. "Man of Science, Man of Faith" really nailed it for me. Took a while to get the line and sinker out.
Gosh I love reading your reviews, Sonia. The subtext and thematic posits are all things I never really noticed on a first, second or twenty-fifth watching of episodes. Now to brush the dust off my DVDs.
Someone on Twitter optioned the possibility of an Eric/Pam-centred spinoff called "New Blood". Am I the only one who'd watch that show a billion times over?
It does feel a little overwrought, but I think he'll get there. One of the interviews somewhere said the scripts got a bit better once they had an idea of what Capaldi could do. It'll be a better fit once we get more comfortable with him.