swibble repairman

I think all three of the judges have been pretty funny, but when the job of being a judge on LCS is the biggest gig you've ever had, that doesn't say much for your qualifications to be judge.

I only came here to post that the pop a lock dance gag was the best joke of the series.

Been reading A Scanner Darkly, Zach?

Yeah, I used to spend hours and hours trawling the internet message boards for hotties, but now that I've finally landed my mate, I don't have time to spend on the internet. Our long conversations about stupid bullshit as well as watching the Kardashians and Kendra together take up all of my time now.

I think the only proper response to this news is to jerk off to the internet, aaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnd done.

"another "wacky" joke religion that would be mostly embraced by obnoxious geeks" describes every religion ever conceived.

Urban environments can have some pretty cool birds in them. Just in the past year in my nearly-a-million-strong city in Ohio I saw a great horned owl with chicks in a city graveyard, a loon in a public park, a barred owl in a ravine, a bunch of hooded mergansers on the river, a bald eagle flying above the bike

Aw he's probably just thinking of the time that he and the Rolling Stones and The Beatles nearly got killed by the Black Dahlia murderer. Easy mistake to make—happens to me all the time.

Almost everything named in the above article made bazillions of dollars off of morons. If the entire audience is moronic and they demand moronic fare, how can you blame entertainers for taking their money and giving them what they want?

Leonard Pierce says that writers whose dialogue could be assigned to any character without losing tone are bad writers.

I've got mixed feelings about Johns. I've loathed almost everything by him that I've picked up, but when he goes Norman Rockwell's America on the JSA and Superman Secret Origin, there is little that can match the love and charm and nobility that comes through in those comics. How can these be produced by the same

This fad wouldn't even exist if moronic moms did not use their babies as dress up dolls. It's the idiot moms that think this shit is cute as fuck. Attention men: you can tell on first sniff whether a woman is the kind of person who would dress her toddler in "sexy" wear. Please stop fucking these idiots.

VanDerWerff spent the 80s locked in a one room hotel room as a sex slave in Amsterdam, so it's understandable that he'd be both ignorant and contemptuous of 80s culture.

I love those buzzers.

easy prediction
Scanner will have the most commenters participating since the McCarthy last year.

I really like your take on the three destroyers being aspects of Elisabeth's personality. The ambiguity of the pronouns, the lack of depth to the destroyers, the sense that they only really exist when they're watching Elisabeth, the scene where Alissa and Elisa are looking in the mirror and noticing the

Ha! You live in a house? Some Leftist you are!
I think throwing out the narrative as some kind of leftist rebellion is dumb. Narrative conventions are very likely wrapped up in our DNA (even Chekhov knew this, (paraphrase) every story begins with a man and a woman—our narrative conventions are mostly about sexual

No way. Haneke's films are carefully crafted to provide clues (sometimes subtle, sometimes very heavy handed) that lead to definite and intended meaning. They are riddles with actual answers, usually didactic ones, Code Unknown included (obviously about communication and what happens when it breaks down—hey, did you

Oh I get it. So the ABC execs represent some kind of Sphinx-like being who holds the key to the meaning of the series, and this public response to the ending is sort of like their riddle that we have to figure out. So in saying that the final images of the plane crash are not part of the story, I assume that by not,

There was no Beowulf fanfic in 637 because Jan of the Toos who the character Wilfgur was based on wasn't even born until the 800s.