swibble repairman

Season 2: Overwhelmingly white stevedors and white euro-gangsters. The Wire's protagonist: A white guy.

Back in the days when I was a teenager
Before I had status and before I had a pager
You could find the Abstract listening to hip hop
My pops used to say, it reminded him of be-bop

For me, suspense and mystery=good things

I will always contend that Gummo is what an immature, naive 18 yr old hipster from NYC really believes people from small town Ohio are like. In it, HK is laughing at outsiders, which is ironic given his persona.

Goddam, Caplan's got abs.

Snide-r-Man's emo rogue's gallery works pretty well:

None of these sound interesting to me, but no doubt they're all superior to the entire cinematic output of Africa.

"The Cannelloni of Lot 48"

New X-Men is fantastic. I wish Mark Silvestri's art actually made some kind of sense in that Jean Gray/Beast bit in the future bit, though. One example of many of Morrison's ideas that either didn't translate at all to the comics page or were just too much for the artist to handle.

Doom Force it awful. It's just page after page of not at all clever potshots at Rob Liefield. That's the best thing Grant could find to do with his time and imagination?

How could anyone not like the Filth? It's great.

Past her prime
Well, there's a small window of opportunity for a twenty something actresses in Hollywood blockbusters and Fox's past her expiration date. Now she's got no choice but to play the completely believable romantic interest of 60 year old men like Jeff Bridges.

Smokey: Poor Richard, a lie stands on one leg, truth on two, and you on none.

Mr. Fantastic and the Three Dumber Ones

Rousseau had Ben over for cock and wine alright.

Pretty sure you meant Seaguy there.

This is probably mentioned further down, but if Kate got crossed off when she became a parent, why didn't Jin and Sun get crossed off when they became parents? This can be said about many of the characters on this show, but the Koreans played such a small part in the plot that I can't see why so much time and energy

A few shots in the middle cut too quickly, but yes, that promo got me in the gut.

Hmm. Not sure I like that explanation. I'll finish it tonight and reread a few bits and see what I think.

Ha. Dorks!