swibble repairman

Easy choice for me
I'm a casual fan of Dick and Scanner's one I haven't read yet.

I'd love to see another great Gilliam movie in my lifetime, but all current evidence says it's not to be. When this inevitably ambitious but terrible film gets released we're all just going to say, well that wasn;t worth all the hassle.

Yes, way to kill ashow from the get go, SNL. Please stop lettling/making Wieg do these stupid annoying characters.

"having recently __________ her in a TV show"

If I had any friends, pizza, beer, or weed, I'd watch the shit out of this movie.

Heard her live? She's got serious pipes. Real deal.

We're Blitzen, dammit.

I figure coconut milk, boar milk, or rat milk. Or the first Dharma drops came a lot earlier than we thought, delivering infant formula.

Smokey's real name is Kiddo.

I also like:

Their sitting-around-a-picnic-table-with-friends version of Start A War on the Takeaway Show is definitely worth a listen.

Apartment Story is my favorite National song and one of my favorite songs from anybody ever. It's pretty fucking far from boring.

Anyone who sucks on crawdad tomalley is a foul human being and your website is useful in giving me a reason to hate the real life Davis, too.

I enjoy his voice on NPR. His scene lasted longer than necessary, I thought.

My interpretation of the term "race traitor" in the post above was a black person who gained power/public office and then turned his or her back on black people in favor of corruption.

Great Davis epsiode—good and ill, he's becoming great fun to watch.

Two years ago to present.

If one of the benefits of going to the theater is the communal experience, then why do some of you go during off hours? Why not just stay home?

Become a priest, everyone thinks you're a pedo. Vacation in Thailand every summer, everyone thinks you're sexcationing. A guy can't win.

There weren't a lot of guys who could jump twenty feet in the air in medieval China either. Or who could extend their arms like Mr Fantastic in a kung fu fight. Or who could punch-explode a barrel that was thrown at them. Or who could survive an arm being lopped off without a tourniquet. Etc.