swibble repairman

I thought that interview was so bizarre that it became amazing. I want to see more like it here.

This is why I decided to join the priesthood: I love stupid but attractive women, but I can't stand romantic comedies.

I saw Scorcese's Bringing Out the Dead at a theater in a room that clearly hadn't been cleaned all day, where people were coming in and leaving constantly, where a baby cried through nearly the whole thing, and a guy was smoking in the back row. It couldn't have suited the movie more perfectly and I loved it.

But if you don't buy concessions then the theaters will go out of business and then where're you gonna watch Avatar? Also, you'd miss out on the thrills of type 2 diabetes.

I was planning to see Marmaduke at the theater, but then I thought of all the screaming, crying tykes that would be there. Still, big fucking dog on the big fucking screen—I can't miss that. I think I'll wait til the third or fourth week of its run by which time hopefully the obnoxious, unwashed tots will have had

So this whining about texting, talking, weed-giggling teens ruining the movie experience is all because you missed some dialogue from Avatar? Or Sherlock Holmes? Or Iron Man 2?

Bourne, have you actually read Ennis's Punisher? It's hard to believe you'd make a comment like that if you had. Aaron's doing a great job, but I'm sure he'd admit that everything he's done on the comic owes a huge debt to what Ennis did before him.

Wrong. VanLente's Machine Man shreds through an entire planet of zombies (series 3 I believe) is great fun. And those covers got old three years ago.

SmokeGuyver: "Break on through to the other side, Lapidus!"

SmokeGuyver could astral project all the way to LA by using just a coconut, three mangoes, and some chicken wire, bitches.

I found many of those noir films annoying because of all of the Bogeyisms that I'd known about since before I'd ever seen a Bogey movie. Then I saw Treasure of the Sierra Madre which is just great and Bogey's not the cliche he's become in it so I could actually appreciate the performance.

If both Kwons really are dead, this is one of the most glaring examples of the show writing itself into a corner. If Sun had mentioned the child and then Jin still had decided to die, that would have fucked up the emotional moment the show was trying to create there because most viewers would find Jin deranged rather

There might be something to that. Jin has a history of surviving sunken ships. Also, despite having said that he'll never leave her, the show made the point of showing them drifting apart in death. That's pretty fucking depressing for TV. Maybe The Island is pulling Jin back in that shot because it's not done with

I'd eat that.

Tiny Dancer is Really about the boy-king Tut.

Excuse Me, But
Sir Elton is THE gay.

I would argue that authors might be the worst judges of their own work. They are too close. They will inevitably focus on what they intended to convey rather than what the words themselves actually do convey. They will have a hard time separating what they saw in their head from what they put down on the page. Etc.

The coffee guy didn't snipe the comic book. Kyle stole Roman's idea, bought the thing for 80 bucks, and sold it to the coffee guy for a huge profit.

Dwight's an angry nerd, but an extraordinarily well rounded one. In some episodes the writers treat him as one note, but through the course of the series we've learned a lot of what makes him tick.

Dang, dude. So you've got a job (teacher if I recall), you're finishing school, you've got kids, and you still find time to write and get published. That's impressive. Between my job and few personal commitments, I barely have the time or energy to write a few dick jokes on the internet.