swibble repairman

I found all of the stories in this book that involved the devil to be great fun. I love that portrayal of the devil as trickster for some reason.

She looked very cute in that black dress. I'd eat that.

I get that these kinds of guys are more interesting in stories than nice guys. I'd much rather watch a guy like Davis or Sonny than a sane, nice guy. But in real life, these guys are assholes. I'm not a violent guy, but if anyone pulled that loud music bullshit that Davis's pulling on me in real life, I would beat

I think this book pointedly asks that question of whether the wheel of progress should keep on turning. Some of the symbolism is hard to miss, conflating the Eusa story of scientific progress with the St Eustace story of faith, the little shining man between the antlers in the same place that Jesus on the cross is

Well said FJ. Yeah, it's a story about stories, and I especially like your take on the ending and the crowd's reaction to the crookit Punch show.

12 Angry Batmen
Batman #10: You're not gonna tell me that we're supposed to believe this kid, knowing what he is. Listen, I've lived among them all my life. They're a cowardly, superstitious lot. You can't believe a word they say. You know that. I mean, they're born liars.

Hey ginger balls!

You know, I think this novel might be suggesting that these stories, this art, is the manifestation or reflection of god (or the one great big thing divided amongst the many as Lorna calls it) on earth. Riddley asks Wayman Footling after being told the bloak who gets on top of Aunty story if he made it up, and

Yes, one meaning has got to be USA. And just like St Eustace, in spite of all the trials that we've gone through and the punishments we've endured as a result, we refuse to give up our faith (in technology and scientific progress).

Yeah, I think it's important that the final puppet show audience were unwilling to break from the ritual and that the new show was so different (and suggested so much unpleasantness about humanity) that they were unwilling to even let it go on.

Yeah, but The Road is very positive about parenting, so I'd think parents would like it. In the book, the love and sense of purpose that come from being a parent are THE redeeming characteristics of humanity.

That all encompassing consciousness in which everyone of our individual consciousnesses are a part may be what Lorna was talking about after she and Riddley had wild moon pig sex. Her definition of god there sounds awfully similar to that anyway. Is the metaphor supposed to be that all of the characters in the novel

Yes, Goodparley's Humpty Dumpty to the legend of St Eustace's Jabberwocky reading is hilarious and well done.

The new Hate annual is the best Hate since Buddy's early days in Seattle.

Locke's Voice
I'm nearly certain that when Locke growls at Sayid to "Just do what I say," the original MIB's (the guy from Deadwood) voice is dubbed in and that's him we hear as O'Quinn's lips are moving. It's not important to the story, but did anyone else hear that? Can anyone who taped the episode confirm?

Smokey's good at manipulating people's faith, and Jack's a man of faith again, so I'm not sure this is going to go well for Jack.

What the author intended is of little or no consequence. After art is published or displayed, the reader or viewer is on equal footing with the creator when it comes to determining the meaning of the thing.

Teahouse is great and Brando's Okinawan is far less racist than Morita's Miyagi.

Yes, how dare she rip off Lady GaGa's ridiculous shtick!

I also couldn't tell if it was supposed to be serious or a joke—the intro seemed serious, but the verses were jokey, but then the chorus seemed serious again. Based on the outfits, I'm going with joke. I actually liked her Hedwig cape and the spaceman outfits/wacky dancing.