swibble repairman

If only Type O Negative had been standing by at this unfortunate concert, or better still, The Cure, then a tragedy may have been averted.

Yeah, the performer did a great job on that. It didn't matter that the jokes weren't funny—he was great.

Gone Injun Didn'tcha?
Dear kindly General Custer
You gotta understand
It's just our bringin' up sir
That gets us out of hand
Our mothers are Ghost Dancers
Our fathers all are drunks
Golly Moses, natcherly we're punks

He's getting paid by the sneer.

The Boss of it All is a great time. Hilarious.

Classy ladies prune their gardens. They don't plow the whole thing under.

No sale. In this, Dunst plays Rupert Everett's rather hirsute pet who is trained as a jewel thief. George Costanza's kids try to help her escape from a life of crime, but then George hires PeeWee Herman to try and kill her. Definitely her weirdest role, and her boobs are on display for much of the feature.

How can you say Anti-Christ is misogynist? It's a fucking feminist political essay for fuck sake. So your reading of the movie was that Trier actually believes that women are evil monsters? Did you miss the part about the witch trials? And the controlling man trying to shape her? And all of the female corpses?

Will someone please listen to this for Rabin?

Yeah, but Spanish Johnny's has REALLY fucking good fajitas.

I don't think it would make much sense to refer to Latinos as African America.

Libby plants a Reverse-Superman kiss on Hurley.

Right now in Florida
there are two high school athletes (baseball players, I think) who are 18 and brown-skinned and were caught by police getting steamy in the back seat of a truck with two 15 year old white girls. These two high school seniors are being charged with felonies as sexual offenders because they were

Grey Man's a lot easier to take if you pretend that he's trying to be funny instead of just being unintentionally hilarious.

I made it all the way to the opening credits and theme song before thinking, wait, did that guy just say Truh-may?

Following titles and characters is hopeless and pointless. Just follow the writers. Start at the beginning of your favorite writer's arc and you'll be fine.

Kirkman is masterful at plotting and cliffhangers. Those keep people coming back more than the zombies, I think.

This series looks terrible, but some people I respect seem to like it. Thanks for the Gateway suggestions.

I haven't read it, but I'm a big fan of Fred Van Lente and I hope he makes some serious cash off of this.

Classic, Dowd.