swibble repairman

Common sense approach: each avclub writer who participates in WUiB skims the reader suggestions thread and picks one title that s/he would be interested in reading. Those five or six choices go into the poll. Commentors vote. Easy.

The tone of that Richter piece sounds like Koski or Gillette.

Given the challenging nature of Lost as a series, I'm always surprised to find Lost viewers here in the US, but yes, at my placed of work, there are lots of Lost fans and they're all anxious to discuss the show at the "water cooler."

Holy shit, Tristiac, we get it. Is this really going to be your claim to fame?

Criss cross. LA X. Solved.

We Want, that happens to me in IE, too and it's infuriating.

As long as the poll doesn't include anything by Ayn Rand, LRonHubbard, or anything related to the Whedonverse, I think we'll be ok here.

Fisher did try to tempt Des with sweet sweet and not too expensive lady-loving (at first I thought Fisher was hitting on Des).

NOT wanting to bamf Eloise would be the perversion.

This show has been hitting us over the head with the "power of love" theme for years now, and they've been strongly hinting that the final choices made by these characters in the series will be based on love (We've got to do it…for love!) all season, so I'm mystified that some of you are arguing that this was not a

Hows about
I've been wanting to read Ballard's High Rise ever since Heller suggested it in his Gateway here. Sounds ripe for discussion.

Easily the least excruciating Jin/Sun ep ever.

Well, according to today's "meaning and final thoughts" entries, I was right in assuming that Donna (and Zach too apparently) was at least partly feeling this book to be a high minded trifle.

I won't have time to join the chat either, so once again, I want to say thanks to everyone and that this was awesome and thanks to El-P for the book recommendation.

Hey, you like the tits you like, I'll like the ones I like.

Back when I was a grad student, male prostitution seemed to be my only option.

Best stay behind Ryu
Not in front when he's oddly
Moved by Sun's tatas.

As a fan of women's breasts, I thought the shots of Jin's tits were the strongest of the episode. I slightly preferred the left, but they were both quite nice.

I thought it was just another connection to the alterna-story. Jin's locked up in a room in one, he's locked up in room in the other. Sun doesn't speak English in one, she doesn't speak English in the other. Is there a meaning to it beyond parallel structure? Who knows?

FJ, maybe this will serve as a middle ground between our points of view here (or maybe you'll say that it proves your point—ha ha). Maybe sillyness for sillyness' sake quietly has a serious objective (IRONY!). Sillyness for sillyness' sake IS a world view. It is anti-tradition, anti-convention, anti-formula,