swibble repairman

No question that's Violet as Rose at the end, folks. Tatoo. Died Hair. Yellow in her eyes. Red panties. Mirror. Those things (except the died hair) were associated with Violet throughout the book. Also, we actually get to hear "Rose's" thoughts at the end and they are clearly Violet's. I suppose it was long and

Godzilla 2012 has to be an allegory for global warming. Maybe he thaws out from the polar ice caps or something. Half the world doesn't believe in big G and the other half just doesn't give a fuck. Scientists try to warn everyone, but it's too late. They try to escape from him in their cars, but that only makes

Is Takashi Shimura available for this one? What, he's dead? Perfect. Get him to make-up.

I love the idea of the book itself having a gimmick. You might be right. Dobyns could have done a lot more with that, though, if that's what he was going for.

And there's a theme: the power of fiction (probably obvious to most of you I guess).

Nice point about Michael being a powerful symbol that resulted in action even if he was unable/unwilling to take action himself until the end.

C'mon. There was a Hindenboner, people. Take the Led Zeppelin album cover, remove blimp, insert penis (carefully).

I don't think I could possibly get enough of Primus Muldoon. Dobyns gives him such an amazing voice. In just a few short chapters, Muldoon has become one of my favorite characters in literature.

Oh, and also Violet White was the Queen from the Snow White story. Notice all of the mirrors in her scenes.

My Gimmick
My name is Swibble Repairman. Do you like my moustache?

Wasn't Kyd just a funny red herring? He allowed us an outsiders look into the world of the cult (though we'd already seen it from the inside) and the expectation was that he'd get in there and rescue Rose White. Our expectation is thwarted when the rescuer turns out to be nuts. He provided one more genre and

No Cheesecake in the celebrating Marvel women comic?
You mean except for in the image you show us (is that the cover?) where the Black Widow is sticking her ass out at the reader, in one of those tits-and-ass-in-the-same-pose drawings that comics are infamous for?

Well, some of the themes in those books are remotely similar. Black Summer, No Hero, and the Authority (and Freak Angels and Supergod and some others) all explore what happens to people and the world when a small group of people gets huge amounts of power.

Ignition City is quality Ellis.

Well, what do you expect from a Scorpio?
She even said in the interview that she was going to get in trouble for saying those things.

Where'd the magic go?
Has there been any magic/superpowers in the alternaverse? I can't think of any. Hurley and Miles don't seem to be able to speak to the dead. Etc. Significant?

Baptism: Now With Electrolytes!

P.B. Shelley
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look upon my works, ye Mighty, and . . .
What the hell? Oh shit, duck! It's the
Flying Dutchman!"

As God, or at least a deity of some sort, isn't Jacob a hypocrite? Richard asks him why he doesn't just tell people what to do (or force them) and Jacob says he wants them to figure it out for themselves. He is testing their strength and righteousness. However, why would a god who believed in testing people want to

Humpday and The Puffy Chair are not just excellent mumblecore movies, they're excellent movies.