swibble repairman

I prefer Daliwood movies.

My middle age is already too much for me to bear, but I can't afford the ferrari penis-mobile. Luckily, I've still got my handgun-sword-toy rocket-cigar-hot dog-model train/tunnel-pencil-exotic snake-popsicle collection to tide me over.

The orcas we have back east are timid and will probably flee if approached, but those grizzly orcas out west will fuck you up.

The Leaning Tower of Pisa is a cheap rip off of my tumescent manhood.

Cybertron Robots Envy Allspark's Might.

Ferraribot: I only-a consider you scum compared-a to Krusty.

I loved that the salespeople were willing to give up some of their pay rather than just stop acting like arrogant dicks.

Automatically funny
Ron and Andy's characters are so funny, that all this show needs to do is follow the formula and they'll have guaranteed laughs.

Was that just a Laverne and Shirley reference or do real people actually say those words?

I also like that this show and its characters have heart, and the ragging on Jerry doesn't fit that, but it is funny. I do think that they've done enough with it now and need to find something else.

This is why women should not be allowed on tv. Even the funny ones get annoyingly pregnant.

Yelling Guy is the most broad joke this show has hurled at us yet. I guess you could consider it anti-humor as it was so obnoxious and yet they actually followed through with it and gave his yelling so much airtime. Personally, I hated it.

My job doesn't have one guy that everyone rags on. Unless. . . it's actually me and I'm just so dense as to have been oblivious to it until now. Aw shit.

Has anyone considered that the con man husband of the woman Sawyer slept with was actually. . . yet another version of Sawyer from an alterna-alternaverse? So cop Sawyer was trying to use the multiverse jumping wife to get to evil genius multiverse jumping Sawyer.

Working in Yojimbo was a nice touch.

Smokey: I don't care what you think, this is my corporeal form and if I want to eat Twinkies and Budweiser all day, then you can all go fuck yourselves.

But Smokey seems to be the guy who made Claire crazy, so that would be a paradox within a paradox within a paradox.

I obtained this evidence while fucking the suspect. I did proceed to Mirandize the subject . . . while fucking her.

Method Man

Speaking of timing, this episode seems to take place, what, maybe a day after Widmore's sub arrived? Would dead bodies be ripe enough in just 24 hrs, even in the tropics, to require Sawyer to cover his nose?