swibble repairman

The dress has become unstuck in time. It's a time shifting shift (booooooooooooo!) that's actually only three hours old in this episode.

Mother issues: Hamlet, the Oedipus plays, Telemachus/Penelope in The Odyssey, etc.

Total Recon. It's set in an alternaverse and might only br taking place. . . in their minds!

I laughed a lot at the cold open. It was so corny and over the top that I was guessing the camera would pull back and reveal that alternaSawyer was an actor and that the whole scene was being filmed for an alternaworld movie or tv. But nope, I guess we were supposed to take it seriously (in a comic sort of way).

I'm not going back to find it, but someone mentioned that Sawyer was a cop here way back on the LAX review. People have been talking about it here for weeks, and those people are assholes.

I thought Matt Dillon was in Mudhoney in Singles. And the guys from Pearl Jam were also in Mudhoney. Touch Me I'm Dick.

That chubby kid from Kate and Allie who's been playing a teenaged store clerk in commercials for the past twenty years is totally going to get shot by Juliet.

I think Ellie might at least slightly revise her stance on some of this if she spent time among the working poor (no need to look outside of our own "first world" country for evidence) where the sexism is more overt, gender roles are much more traditional, and women's economic opportunities are much more limited.

Didn't they prove they had a sense of humor nearly 20 years ago in Singles?

wildlife geek outrage!
Did anyone else notice that the tv in the background of one scene (I think it was an April at Ann's house scene) was showing ring-tailed lemurs, but the voice-over of the scene was describing meerkats?

Pratt was funny. The rest of the episode was pretty weak, I thought. If this had been my first episode, I wouldn't return.


The Waid issue where Spidey has to rescue people trapped in the subway tunnel, possibly the first appearance of JJJameson's father, is a classic and one of the best Spider-Man stories I've ever read. Unfortunately, Waid hasn't been able to repeat the success of that one, but Spidey's been a very solid comic since the

Classic, Binky.

More like Atlaspwned.

I knew I had to find out more about this director when he stole the film from the grizzly man with one insanely dark sentence (you know the one). He instantly became the more interesting subject of the film for me, and I was shocked and impressed at his audacity in inserting himself into the film.

I say start with Burden of Dreams (even though Herzog didn't make it). It's a great introduction to the man, and through his speeches, his vision and thematic interests. Also, it will make you want to see all of Herzog's films. He's just so interesting that how could you not want to?

Nice to see that this actor takes his Quebecois residence seriously and worked some French into the interview.

I don't rank women. Probably because I am and always have been someone who will take anyone who'll have me.

"The wrong gay son died!"