swibble repairman

Agree. I come to this page the moment I get home from work on Thurdays and it's already up to page 5 every week. What do you people do all day?

I had the grades and test scores needed to apply to Yale, but I didn't because I'm not an asshole.

Yes, principals do make decisions on how at least some funding is allocated in schools.

If this is in the plans for this season, watch for the opening Previously on Lost clips for Julia firing that gun.

Every week on Dr. L, HSHT, one of Ben's students has a problem, Arzt hot wires the computer to get some inside info, and then Ben blackmails someone to get a result. Every episode ends with Ben saying his catch phrase, "Destiny is fickle, bitch."

The real problem is that a female student showed up at her male teacher's doorstep at night. If Dr Linus cared at all about his job, he would have immediately shut and locked his door and then yell from an upstairs window for her to go away.

I loved this one. Seeing Ben's character arc echoed pretty much beat by beat as a high school teacher was funny and ingenious I thought and the on-the-nose lines and events didn't bother me.

I'm sure that the guys who made Crank 2 thought it would be kitschy-cool to include Haim in their movie, but look what they did by putting a little change in his pocket. THEY KILLED HIM!

As a kid, I liked playing sports and I liked this movie a lot. I get what you're saying, but it follows the typical outsider/underdog sports movie formula for the most part and only undercuts it here and there.

"oh, you finished 125th! Good job! Last week you were 130th!"

Rowsdower, this is the AVClub. The only time you shouldn't end a comment with "you morons" is if you're going to end it with "you douchebags" instead.

Gabby (age 6): I'll do anything, even sell my soul to the devil if he'd turn me into the world's biggest movie star.

You can tell a story that says that the working soldiers in Iraq are doing some incredible things while at the same time saying that the war is horrible and that anyone who'd want to go over there is insane.

Rowsby Woof!

Scagneti, I like your idea of physic Oscars: "These actors, directors, producers, et al arrived in our offices after having suffered very serious trauma from autoerotic asphyxiation, overdoses of various drugs, anorexia-induced heart attacks, and a number of other things that did not and never will see print. We did

Nah, Carradine was on there.

I just bought the dollar one, but just a few posts above, Todd says you might wanna get the expanded one becase it's got a glossary.

Just read chapter two of Wrestler's
Brilliant and hilarious. If the book sustains this level of writing and imagination, it's going to be awesome. A trainer who repurposes and (mis?)interprets Nietzscean philosophy to develop pro-wrestlers and expounds on the philosophies at length: I wish I'd thought of that.

Boxer is one of my favorite albums, but I can see why some people might find it boring. For me though, it's sonically rich and textured and unique and beautiful. There's so much going on that it's one of the few albums I own that I can listen to without needing to occupy myself in some other way. Also, it's got a

I love the few Band of Horses songs where they sound like the Beach Boys performing in a cave, but I kind of hate the rest of em. Except Weed Party which kicks ass.