swibble repairman

Sweet, I've got until Monday to work on my Soundgarden reuniting jokes.

I've never even solved a problem, how'm I gonna resolve anything?

I dunno Waits, he WAS wearing red. And showing a lot of skin. You can't really call it rape when he was pretty obviously asking for it, right?

oops, should be BEPs

Well, I Got A Feeling is the catchiest song of the year, so it was smart of this guy to basically use it as the structure here (I've never really listened to the lyrics, but do the BLPs reference the Beatles song in that? If not, for shame).

I respect you so much it's making me sexist.

Well, Edgar Bergen's underground, now.

I just finished Lot 49 today for the first time—did anyone else notice that Paul Auster's City of Glass is pretty much a retelling of this same story?

It's a pretty harsh statement. The human race is probably successful because of fear (caution, distrust,whatever) as much as because of intelligence. We probably wouldn't even be here if we weren't a fearful people, and a side effect of that is that dumb AND intelligent people can be manipulated through fear. We

Wrapped Up in Books
I think that the writers of this site should all resolve to participate in the book club at least once this year.

I liked Moby Dick.

I remember swimming in a muddy lake in Wapokoneta when I was a kid. Is that what Athens is like (and are we talking about Athens Texas or Athens Georgia?)?

Nigh En: The Story of Em.

That kid from Nigeria tried to blow up the plane over Detroit because he'd heard what those fucks did to Gallagher when he was opening for the Gambler.

I think it was supposed to be a metaphor or something, guys.

Gallagher: French or gay?

I'm not generally a thinking person, but I always thought an appositive was a noun that works as an adjective to describe another noun in a sentence. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think nerdy, original, strange, or quirky are appositives. Aren't they straight up adjectives?

I think that did get reported on these pages—didn't you write that in the comments some time ago?

That's not mixed martial arts—that's just what Holmes does when he's coked out of his gourd (another fitting character for Downey Jr.—alcoholic Tony Stark, coke fiend Sherlock Holmes, that drugged out narc in A Scanner Darkly)

I love the idea. Let's keep these assholes gated in.