swibble repairman

To refer to his deciding not to kill those children as "mercy" is a bit generous, I think.

Wow, thanks. The wikipedia entry on Ainu people is definitely worth a read.

I just noticed that there's a KMD track on this album (which doesn't really make sense—how do you have a guest appearance with a rap group that you're a member of? ) but if that's on there, then sure, Gas face could be, too. Apologies.

American moviegoers: RACISTS!
You mean a movie where a white woman saves a big dumb black guy wasn't the number one movie? There's only one possible explanation.

I like much of what Tomwaits4 writes because it's pretty insightful, and I like it when people make fun of him because it's funny.

What are the odds
that Woody Harrelson's brother shows up in this somehow?

Second book in a row that involves a lynx and crossing over.

And speaking of plot, awesome, breathtaking action sequences:

The little bear
Muldrow rejected society again when he saw them abusing the little bear. Why did he have such a problem with that, when he'd already murdered the Kansas girl and so many others in this book who he easily could have avoided killing?

The ending
I love the idea of the guy blood and feathering himself and then running out of the shack to meet his final fate as a hawk, but did it really happen? Is this An Occurence at Owl Creek Bridge kind of thing? There were several times in the story when I had to stop and say, nah, this is too trippy—this guy's

Dickey lost me a few times with the repetition of the lynx and rabbit, and the blue heart of the ice berg, and the red wall, and the caribou just coming out of the woods, and the fisher marten, but overall, I agree with you, Dick. Great character and an interesting interpretation of how a psychopath's mind might

Gas Face ain't DOOM or MF DOOM.

Nah, you guys might *think* that you are seeing dancing souls and finding them enjoyable and funny, but actually you are only projecting your nostalgia on shitty special effects and mediocre comedy.

The legend that he builds for himself is my favorite thing about him. And he's crazy and smart and imteresting enough to back that shit up, anyway.

Set up: So, Paula Deen was hit in the face by a ham today.

Best Doom Guest Appearance?
So Nabin says some of his best guests aren't on here, so what are they?

If you like Terry Moore, be sure to pick up his current series, Echo. It is really good.

Mostly bullshit, I thought. His and Letham's Omega the Unkown was excellent, though.

Just to be safe, I did inform my neighbors that I had a copy of Promethea. One did momentarily stop raking his leaves, which I took as a sign of friendship, and I will be returning soon to share my thoughts on the sudden change in tone of Jack of Fables.

Great story and amazing line work. It's a classic and the English edition is beautifully designed. You're right, it should be included.