swibble repairman

the avclub: all reppin' and rapin' all the time.

Thanks for the recommendations—ebay, here I come.

I read the Zot! omnibus when it came out, and it is pretty great. So sweet and sincere and honest, which is almost unheard of anymore in any medium. Having said that, and being an asshole, I feel obligated to point out that it is as square as a comic can possibly be.

Hating a comics company is stupid (as is brand loyalty). Image has had a wide variety of styles and subjects and writers and artists over the last decade. So what is it that you hate? Did they kill your cat?

Satan's Sodomy Baby is the pinnacle of infernal rectal birth humor. It is seriously funny.

Ingenious use of cliffhangers. I stayed up late many nights finishing the trades—the ending of each issue demands that you immediately devour the next one. It's no wonder Lost snatched this guy up.

Girls is a fun, unique take on a monsters attack story, and I enjoyed it a lot, but no way is it best of the decade material. The Sword is fun, too, but there's not much (and maybe nothing) below the surface.

Solid list, and looking at all these left-outs reminds me 0f just how great the 00's were for comics. My interest in comics has waxed and waned in my life, but comics were really important to me in the last decade. Yes, I'm pathetic.

Actually, his family shortened it from Gudmundsmottirfoker when they moved here from Iceland.

A sign on my increasingly disinterested girlfriend's Taco Hut: No Peter Parking.

Why do you all watch these shitty movies?

Playstation 2 games?
Hey dudes, I'm not much of a gamer, but I do still have a Playstation 2 and I still occasionally buy used games for it. So what were the best/your favorite PS2 games of the 00's?

The Robot and the Robo-Boogie.

I know the scientist is joking, but let me make my point more clearly: this October was apparently the 3rd coldest on record here in Ohio, and I had to listen to loads of dumbasses saying, "Global warming my ass!" Well, if Gore is going to say the same stupid thing about a warm November, then he deserves it when

I thought the crazy Gore idea was pretty funny, especially to hear him deliver it in his typically restrained manner.

I think What's Up With That might be the first time Keenan's ever gotten a laugh from me. Punctuating Gore's points in song before the inevitable break into the musical number was the highlight for me. And it's pretty smart when SNL actually embraces the fact that the sketch is too long and repetetive as part of the

I thought the monologue was solid. JGL worked his ass off to try to entertain you. I found it sincere and charming.

Franny and Zodey.

Oh Beast, everyone knows that leprechauns went extinct a long time ago.

Ever wonder if you're an asshole?