swibble repairman

I work in a storage shed next to a rake and a snow shovel. Yes, there's internet.

All these bitches checkin out my britches.

She has one job: to look cute in movies. In that trailer, she succeeds. Whaddayawant?

Nope. This is the one where dancing, singing homeless aliens invade earth and get discriminated against by dancing, singing Boers.

WuTang numerology bullshit?

I'm impressed
Internet discussions about meat eating/vegetarianism are rarely pretty, but both sides handled themselves pretty well in this one. Sure, there were plenty of dumb one liners, but there was also quite a bit of good discussion and genuine give and take.

The issues that Ben Edlund wrote are priceless. I quote Paul the Samurai in my head all the time ("and now…I bake!"). But the non-Edlund issues range from pretty terrible to abominable.

Almost all of the Black Eyed Peas lyrics are dumb, but that line's particularly egregious.

I've been saving it in my backpocket, but next church social, I'll get it out there.

Thanks for reminding me about that RJ/Acey album, Nabs—makes me want to dig it out of my "sounds awesome in theory, mediocre in execution" cd file. Everything RJ touches is interesting at the very least.

I got the sense that the ending was supposed to be one of those moments where we (and Jim) realize that Michael does have some qualities that would make him a good boss. But I call bullshit on this one. In that situation, no employee on earth would be patient enough to put up with Michael's "distraction"/nonsense.

The second Creed stepped out of the car, it was obvious what the joke was going to be, bu that didn't stop me from laughing at it.

True. Libertarian=archconservative.

Also cancelled:
Easy Bake Oven, My Pretty Pony, and Christmas is you don't straighten up, missy.

I have 100% reliable inside info that Firefly will be returning to television, and sooner than you might think.

Low sex drive, favorite position: missionary, quick to orgasm/fake it.

Madlib Medicine Show
I assume he's gonna be adding banjo and fiddle samples into the mix:

Well, he does write rap for white people. Also, go to a DOOM show or a Del show: all white audience (or close enough to call it that) there, too. Many many rappers sell albums to and perform for essentially all-white audiences. That means they suck, right?

He is an absolute original, writes mind blowing rhymes, and is funny and smart.

Paul + Doom + Prince Paul + Questlove + Del = Head exploding awesome.