swibble repairman

It could be a masterpiece if not for the bizarre interruptions and nonsense that ruin the flow of the album, but because of them, I'd have to rate Mmm…Food as too spotty to call great.

We'll be right back after these messages
Fellas grab your nutsacks, ladies grab your breasteses.

Replying to yourself is lame, but I just found the New York Times headline from the story: Between States, There are Hard Feelings About Head of Dick

Scene one: the rock climber is pinned under a rock, too exhausted to move. Lou Reed's Perfect Day plays.

I thought that testing yourself alone in the wilderness was part of the whole heroic journey thingie.

Before he dies, Douglas Adams had already finished writing the sequel to this movie: Mostly Armless.

I've been looking for that movie for years. Is it available? Where can I find it?

Yes he was. He's got a golf club and a remote control and he will fuck you up.

Oh yeah, I forgot about Ben Kwellor's version of Wicked Little Town. His voice sounds great on that.

Lexicondevil: expert on blacks, gays, and crossdressers. Is there any minority group that he won't expound upon?

Yes, amazing songs. And the Plyphonic Spree version of Wig is excellent, as is Rufus Wainwright's Origin of Love.

Apparently, both the Ohio and Kentucky chapters of the Dick Appreciation Society claimed the robot as their own, so Ohio's chapter stole the head "for safe keeping."

Was Zach afraid to praise the adaptation in front of a Dick-geek crowd?

Amelie's not my favorite reviewer, but she has done a much better job in the past. Time crunch this week? Or maybe she just ran out of things to say about Curb.

Sorry Bill Reed, but I agree. If you think House is a wildly entertaining curmudgeon, but don't at least see the same (or much much much much more) in Larry, then you're off your nut.

So Jim O'Rourke is a Zelig-like figure and Kirstie has a zaftig figure. We've got to get these two together.

School of Rock
Why didn't he have the kids in that movie playing five minute feedback solos and dischordant noise pop?

Oh wow man. You mean she has to face the challenge of living with her millions of dollars and trying to lose weight WHILE raising two teenagers? C'mon, that's too much for one person to handle. I bet she cracks midway through the first ep.

If you think he did a lot to prepare for this interview, you should hear what he did to prepare for his interview with the gay porn stars a few weeks back.

Papillon Pops
Frosted Faux Pas
Sugar Coated Beaceau Bombs
Raison d'etre Bran