swibble repairman

Isn't hyperbole one of the main tools of comedy? Sure, no one's gonna send the police after you for using too many napkins, but no doubt there are sandwich shop owners out there who get irrationally angree and confrontational when someone uses too many napkins or steps on whatever pet peeve they've had it up to here

I want to see more laughs at the expense of crazy Christians. There was the "piece of the cross" necklace. Now we've got piss-teared Jesus, and there are probably more. They're easy targets, but I can't get enough of that kind of thing.

If this is how they play soccer in South Africa, then the World Cup really is fucked.

Holy shit did I hate The Lovely Bones (the book). Pretty much the most sentimental novel I've ever read. SPOILER!!!!!! I did think the ghost fucking was a bold idea, but the rest of the book is terrible.

Carrie=horror period classic.

Yeah, that's too much to be coincidence or subconscious as far as the sexual politics are concerned. Straub had to have intended that theme. Should a prude be writing horror?

I was wondering about the sister, too. For about half the book, I assumed A.M. was going to turn out to be the sister. So I'll ask: why include her at all? Straub never passed up a chance to add a superfluous character.

We've got to get this guy and the Hulk together.

I didn't mean the genre of hooror. I guess I was thinking more along the lines of bloated, pop horror.

I'm actually going to agree with this Stacy character. I don't understand "beach books" or the like. I never have the desire to turn off my brain with a book. If I'm going to go the nothing-but-plot route, I'll take a movie or a comic book instead of a novel any day (but usually I want much more than that even from

Thanks for the recoms and I'm looking forward to that Gateway (love that series, by the way).

I guess "just happened to be there" isn't good enough for me. It looks like Straub was trying to do do something generational with his protagonists—old, middle age, and youth (which is fine), but if one of the protagonists' reason for being is that he just happened to get in the way of some old mess, then really,what

Well, I'm an easy scare—a while back I took some kind of women-in-gothic-literature class—and I remember reading late at night The Mysteries of Adolpho and Wieland and being very scared.

If you do want to see a Teen Titans inspired orgy, look no further than Garth Ennis's The Boys featuring Teen Kix. It's true.

Could it be a reference to Morrison's All-Star Superman where Luthor succeeds in killing Superman by overexposing him to solar radiation?

My name is
Another Manitou
Always Murdering
Awfully Misogynistic
Ally McBeal

Ha—yes—horror is the unknown. Would this book have been at all satisfying if the nature of the evil wasn't explained at all, though.

The Nature of Evil
I don't think I can ever take seriously a book that posits (even for fun) that there is some ancient source of evil that exists outside of humanity. Evil comes from man's basic drives and excesses and that's it and everybody knows that by now. Why look outside of that source, when the most

So Ricky was part of the original vendetta, and Don was a blood relative, but why did the Manitou (or whatever) decide to involve Peter in this mess? He was just there, with his sexually bold friend and promiscuous mother. Was he being punished for their sexuality? Seriously, what made him important enough to

I'm glad I posted under Zach's entry a few minutes ago before having read this, because if I'd come here first, I'd see that I have nothing to add. I share many of the same feelings about the book, and you've stated them eloquently.