swibble repairman

Dick, I'm mostly with you. I liked that I thought Don in the opening scenes was the bad guy, only to later slowly realize that the little girl was. I really liked the Sears/Fenny Turn of the Screw story—it captured the perfect atmosphere for horror that was not recaptured anywhere else in the novel. I also enjoyed

And it'll guest star Vincent Price and they'll find a cursed tikki doll. Sounds like a solid ep.

Can 0ne really awful and tasteless joke ruin an entire epsiode? Yep. I thought the closing joke was weak, but then to have Rashida come on and apologize for the joke? No, that's embarrassing. F.

Speaking of the Beatles and respecting the wishes of the dead, seeing All You Need is Love whored out to Blackberry hurts me in the soul.

I think it's pretty widely accepted that Damon Albarn won britpop, and this post is very out of character for Stacy, so keep working on the schtick.

Aren't all cover songs unoriginal? By definition?


Good on ya, oodle. I really only came to this thread to post "speaking of asshole Star Trek writers: Peter David." Glad to know that if I'd missed it, you had it covered.

Speaking of the Crucible, Ellison is Giles Cory.

The Turts! Ha.

Cleese's and Letterman's moms made them gay in the womb!

It's taken me a while to warm up to Sam Adams here, but this is excellent work. Adams is a keeper.

teadoust? More like pee-doust, right?

Brilliant structure, but not many laffs for me.

In fact I do bang percussionists. Slowly.

Nah. Some lines are improvised, sure, but these are carefully crafted comedies: the formula for the past two weeks (and most episodes of the series) has been A, B, C, D, A.

I bang musicians all the time. Pianists: bang em. Cellists: yep, bang em. Flutists: bang em (flautists? Fuck no). I have no idea how much their instruments cost—not my concern,

This absolutely was a classic episode. A all the way. And I loved Dansen and Larry's pissing match over the pie.

I love that banging him wasn't going to be enough to get to the concert, but the wheelchair perks sold him. Classic Larry.

I guess I didn't realize that my local affiliate got so much airtime during each break, and I guess I also thought that my local affiliate only sold airtime to local companies and not national campaigns. I concede to dumbfuckery about how a network sells ad space.