swibble repairman

Just This
I'm not a fan of the phrase queasy-making. It's clunky. There's got to be a better way of putting it, hasn't there?

Droopy Dreams: Butch's Nightmare

I don't think I get it
If Budweiser Wheat was the only sponsor, why did the airing that I saw include lots of commercials for other products from other companies, including a competitor's beer?

She's good looking, but why does she push the hard sell on the body? We're going to notice it, believe me, you don't need to go to the embarrassing lengths to draw attention to it. Is there another performer out there who so blatantly sells the sex over the "art"?

I thought we got a nice tastes of all the characters being funny. I like how quietly funny most of this supporting cast is. There were some pretty good jokes in there. But yeah, the premise was way too broad and the jokes surrounding it were obvious.

A.V. Club: So tell us about your lifetime role as Danny Aiello

I loved that Toby started to walk out knowingly before Michael even kicked him out, and I liked Oscar, but the rest of the ep didn't work for me. Without a Jim, Pam, or enough Oscar to ground them, the Andy, Dwight, and Michael stuff got too silly for me. Confusing an Italian salesman for a mafioso would work as a

@Rasil: it's impossible for me not to sound like a dick on the internet, so I need to preface this by indicating my sincerity. Please explain what you think it means and how 1984 is sci fi.

How many AVClubbers watched Crank 2 based on its infamy on this site? I'm putting it in my queue right now (and by that I mean reserving it from my library).

Small sample size negates amateur psychologist conclusion.

A few weeks ago, I heard someone refer to 1984 as science fiction, which it most definitely is not.

That's a praying mantis behind those shades, dummies.

Wrong, his spaceman George Bush is hilarious in Hitchhiker's.

I love Hutch Owen. Whatever happeded to Tom Hart?

I hate the voices, but that clip looks great.

Fine. Fuck you. I will stay home and I'll keep my money. Whatta dick.

"You can jet to Brazil, you just can't go in the cave. Am I right?"

The writers of tonight's wedding episode can thank the writers of that horrible Hilary Swank ep for saving them from owning the worst episode of the series title.

Even though I didn't like the episode, "She's a dental hygenist from Carbondale and she makes love like one" is one of my favorite lines from the series.

Lard Ass! Lard Ass! Lard Ass!