swibble repairman

I'll bring the potato salad. Good plan, king!

Saw him in Columbus
I saw him open for the Swell Season in Columbus, and I was kind of blown away.

Miles spent the "bulk" of the ep with Hurley, huh? Not cool, Nurray.

Waitaminit, a Vonnegut reference? On the AV Club?


I liked the snake-that-refuses-to-eat-its-own-tail structure. A perfect anti-climax for the series.

Was there a final gag during the credits?
My DVR cut out the credits. Can someone give me a rundown of the closing credits gag or scene (if there was one)?

I went to high school with Jesus and Shakespeare so fuck you.

I can accept that a parent has the right to decide what to expose his or her child to, but why does this always seem to turn into deciding what is right for EVERY child in the community? Where do these delusions come from?

I also wouldn't mind piggybacking on senior titties. I don't really know what it means, but it sounds like it would be a pretty damn interesting experience. I'm just throwing that out there.

But what's the extra, extra "e" for?

Could be worse. My high school got shot up by Russian paratroopers. We all had a good time drinking deer blood, though.

I'm not a big fan of Cruise and I despise Mel, but I can see both of those guys pulling off those roles and being funny in them.

Maybe a Grant Morrison fan: The painting that ate Paris? Smart, silly, and absurd, I think the Brotherhood of Dada would be fans of The Office.

I don't like Nexus.
I've checked it out a few times and it does nothing for me. The art is obviously very good, but the stories seem pretty average. What's wrong with me?

Melissa Leo
I've been trying to watch Homicide Life in the Streets lately, and damn are this woman's affected mannerisms on the show annoying. She cocks her head and flips her hair every damn time she says a word. I hope she doesn't adopt these kinds of distracting over-the-top ACTING! tics on this new show.

Juliet Rulez
OK, so in the morning, Juliet fixes a truck.
And in the afternoon, she performs surgery.
And she still has the energy to make dinner, and the way things were going, make sweet sweet love.

There's already a paradox—the paradox watch that Richard gave to Locke and then Locke gave back to Richard in the past. Where did Richard get it? From Locke in the past. But where did Locke get it? From Richard in the future. The watch has no origin (like the paradox bullet Batman shot Darkseid with in Final

So it looked to me like the Others killed Paul and were in the process of putting a bag over Amy's head to do something nasty to her (at the very least kidnap her), so why was Alpert demanding a tit for a tat? His men apparently got the justice they deserved as they appeared to be the ones breaking the truce.

Why does Blackbolt (and any of the Inhumans for that matter) wear a mask? Does he need a secret idea or does he just think it looks badass (which it does).