swibble repairman

There was a hot girl at the comic shop
And I didn't know what to do.
There was a hot girl at the comic shop
She was looking at the Dr. Who.
There was an actual girl at the comic shop
Oh what a momentous day.
I had to check and make sure that she wasn't just
Some human sized cardboard display.

Captain America lost the Civil War. And then he cried. *SPOILER* And then he died.

I liked his Aquaman and loved his Rick Jones bachelor party issue of the Hulk, but his recent stuff leaves me cold.

Was the X-Force/X-Statix run subsequent or concurrent with Morrison's run, I forget? Anyway, that challenged conventions up the wazoo (far beyond Morrison's ever so slightly unconventional, but mostly conventional run).

I watched the Olympics last summer and Angola had a decent basketball team that I enjoyed watching. I think Stav, in his attempt to cure us dumb Americans of our ignorance, revealed a little of his own.

Yeah, Powers would be a nice gateway. I love those characters. I wish Bendis could make all the money he needed just writing USM, Powers, and an occasional Alias-like Marvel story. He's spread way too thinly and Powers (his best work?) rarely appears anymore.

Yeah, I don't think Morrison's a big fan of the way editors always knock over his sandcastles after he leaves. But don't worry, he recently threatened to have the Zoo Crew beat them up if they keep doing it.

Good one! Invincible would be an excellent gateway. Adventure, nice characterization, fisticuffs, and fun.

Ennis hasn't done much with him, but whenever he does write Superman, a little bit of magic happens. A few issues of Hitman come to mind.

Nah, you've already read the all of the good ones. Quit now.

Nah, errectically was better.


The Samaritan issues from Astro City are also great "Superman" stories.

Salsa, have you read Ultimate Spidey? It is really great. Any storylines featuring the Goblin or the Kingpin are gold. The characterization is Bendis's strong suit. It would be a perfect gateway comic.

I like Ennis for his characterization and stories, but I love Ennis just to see what outrageously disgusting, offensive, and/or blasphemous thing will show up on the page next. Hilarious.

Didn't someone specifically ask for this as a gateway topic (and the Glam, one too?)?

Doom Patrol (and miniseries retelling, Flex Mentallo—steal it off the internet today—brilliant) are incredibly moving, imo. So tragic and sad, but hopeful for humanity and what the world could be.

Well, since Superman is the first modern superhero, it at least amkes thematic sense to start with him. I loved All Star Supes, but I wouldn't push it on newbies. It is hardly conventional and, like all Morrison, the story telling at times is hyper-compressed and disjointed (and much of it relies on knowledge of

Salsa—I'm with you on Superman for All Seasons. Jeff Loeb regualarly cranks out shit, but he's done some good work, too, and that's his masterpiece.

Millar's Ultimates is a fun bit of fluff. It's got plenty of fuck yeah moments. But saying Ultimates is the best superhero comics out there is like saying Top Gun is your favorite movie.