swibble repairman

Salsa: Do not venture beyond Ultimates II. You have been warned.

Is this a reference to Hyde's rape of the invisible man in LOEG?


Didn't Lock make some meta comment along the lines of, "Walt, you got so big!"

To be fair, a Life Less Ordinary and The Beach were complete pieces of shit.

BrigaDoom Patrol?

I would really enjoy seeing this if I could be assured that the rumor stating that Spidey sings every song while hanging upside down were true.

I like the Beatles (a fucking lot) and when I heard they were stringing together bits of song plots (I haven't seen it, but I've heard Mama Mia does the same thing with ABBA songs) from Beatles songs to form a plot that somehow would make sense (and likely, in the process, ruin/disrespect some beloved songs), I

Thank god someone finally said it—native New Zealanders do look weird.

Well, they used her as a Mel: insane dog dresser who steals another guy's dog and who's been searching for her own dog for six years. And luckily, she played it reservedly or it would have been as insufferable as her ridiculously over the top caricatures from SNL.

Does this episode really display the ethics that Jack has been shown to have in earlier episodes? Would Jack really be willing to sacrifice all of those people in the rear of the plane even if it would help him save his friends on the island? My thought is hell no. I don't think Jack would be willing to sacrifice

Horrible, horrible episode. So the first 10 minutes is a person explaining what the hell has been going on? Are you serious? I laughed at how terrible the storytelling was. This is the opposite of mushtache twirling exposition explaining the bad guy's motives. This is the good guy (let's say Sherlock Homes model)

Hi there! I got a call about someone needing a little bit of swibble adjustment. If you could just point me towards the…

Did you notice
that Bret and Jemaine did not write this episode. And it's one of the best ever. I assume they still wrote the songs, right?

I suck at math, but isn't the original posters formula unsound? A woman who own 0-2 cats is not crazy. But a woman who owns three cats is twice as crazy as that. I believe that doubling zero results in zero (so also not crazy?).

Dinosaur vs. spaghetti. Roar! Roar! Roar! Dinosaur wins!

Triceratops is pretty sweet, shooting those rock-things out of its horns at bad guys.

Well, I guess I feel that when every frame of a film is touched up and seamed together with a computer, then that's CGI. If you're going to use computers in every frame anyway, what's the point of using dolls at all.

Two things about this film that bother me (SPOILERS!)
1. The addition of Wybie. Does Coraline really need a boy to swoop in at the end (all deus-ex-machina-like) and deliver the final blow to the Beldam's hand? No, I say. The book was a story of a girl who defeats a powerful evil ON HER OWN. It doesn't ruin this

I also have sincere doubts that this is stop motion. It might be 10% or so stop motion, but the rest is clearly CGI. In fact,I doubt that there is a single shot in the entire film that doesn't involve some amount of CGI.