swibble repairman

Seymour ain't got no rhythm. Check out his attempts at snapping.

Hmm, well now I'm torn. Since we actually eat the endosperm rather than the mesocarp, aren't we really eating the inner part of the seed itself? I don't think anyone would consider the inner part of a peach pit or a cherry stone a fruit. Maybe a part of a fruit though. Hmmm.

Coconut is a fruit?
Didn't Jaimie say that her oat dish had three fruits in it? I heard nectarines, avocado, and what was the third? Was she trying to pass coconut off as a fruit? Fruit del mar? What did I miss?

I'm not trying to be funny here—this guy pretty obviously has some form of Down's.

I am also calling shenanigans on Fabio not going home. Like everyone else, I am charmed by him, but failure to do something basic like properly cooking a meat ALWAYS sends contestants packing on this show. They kept him for his personality versus Jeff's non. Maybe the judges are really hoping to try his stuffed

Hi, I understand that your swilbble needs adjusting.

Jack's beard is a sentient parasite and IS one of the illuminati (seen in a future episode on Mrs. Hawking's chin). Yes, I called it.