
OK, which one of you asked for this?

His appearance was much less distracting than Tuco's.

The back half of the episode was fantastic, just to watch Melissa McBride work. I enjoyed Alicia Witt's character telling her origin story, not knowing she's dealing with demure Terminator.

That still up there may be the most soulful thing I've ever seen.

Technically, it's a sequel to Cap2 insofar as Cap is continuing the search for Bucky. However, it takes into account events from the other MCU flicks, including the two Avengers movies where the team blew up stuff real good to save the world. Gov't no likey collateral damage, hence at least part of the conflict in Cap

Hacks, the lot of em.

But… I didn't want to see Spider-Man yet. I wanted to be surprised. Why won't Marvel let me be surprised?

If you try to upload a Prince song onto YouTube nowadays, you're paid a "visit" by The Revolution.

I like the show, but the introduction of Bill has diminished my enjoyment somewhat. I mean, the actor's fine, but the character is worthless. I'm guessing he's there to die tragically through some fault of Jake's, and Jake will feel bad for a little while.

That's none o' yours, either way.

Last year's Tuco call-back was way more sign-posted and contrived than what transpired in yesterday's ep. And frankly I didn't even recognize Krazy-8, so it was cool to see that here.

EW is reporting the story will start 'in the middle.' So what I'm hoping for is a loose interpretation of the source material, w/o all the meta/inside-baseball shit that plagued the last 3 books. Straight-up quest story would do ya fine.

That is my worry, and I've enjoyed the last 3 eps.

No I agree, but I reckon all of next year will be Rick v. Negan. After that, who knows. I would have been happy with bringing Negan into the fold before this year's mid-season finale and going from there.

Which is too bad. I've liked the last 3 episodes, but introducing Negan a bit earlier would give the show a real boost. The arc in the comics is a long one, so there'd be plenty of fodder going into next season.

The ones up in Togus.

Pretty sure it's a 'known known' that we won't get Negan til the last episode, unfortunately.

It's almost strange when Rick *isn't* covered in blood.

10 episodes was too long for Mad Dogs, much less a second season. This would have made for a cracking 4-episode mini-series. 10 episodes you can actually feel the padding ensconce you.

I did a 'control F' and word-searched 'phrasing' to ensure I didn't repeat this joke.