
or typing with one hand.

Not saying goodbye during a phone conversation, also known as The Walter White Method.

I'm not sick of it, but the male anti-hero is not exactly a rarity nowadays.

Fake sports' teams names are always an immersion-breaker. What are the San Francisco Snoodlesnakes?

I believe it was George Clooney who said, 'Do two for them and one for you.' So after Paul cashes his check for this schlockola, he'll get some leads in indies where he's moping around in front of a hand-held camera.

Episode sagged a bit for me as well until the end…and I don't mind dark but this was practically 'none more black' territory, just seeing the worst of humanity's behavior to hearing Rust's story about what the cartel did to their enemies.

Shit! Your correction has been noted duly.

DMX is as much of as shitheel as Zimmerman for involving himself in this. Even if DMX gives the money he'll make to charity, it's still all around repugnant.

No matter what you think of the case no way can Zimmerman feel this way. His life is fucked.

Fuckin A…no matter who wins this, nobody wins.

I tend to agree—Daryl Jr. feels like a character, while Dewey (who's played by an Aussie) feels more lived in even within the general sit-com style goofiness of the role. Would have been better to bring in another unknown for the part…Justified has had its share of left-field casting decisions, but Rapaport's the

Great episode, best of the season so far. Really liked the coldness of Tudyk's character, and would've liked to see him stick around for a couple of episodes. Really my only disappointment from last night was Marcos's death — here's this menacing badass assassin guy who can't hit anyone with a tactical shotgun and is

That's my impression..he was sneaking looks at Raylan during that last scene when Vasquez was talking about the case. I'm assuming Art pretty much knew it was Raylan the entire time.

Is there any cat-and-mouse-game that's *not* dangerous?

This is great but where's the news about the gay Puerto Rican robot appearing in Transformers 4?

Lots of characters and not enough time to get them all significantly involved. That's the most Woodhouse has said in ages as far as I recall.

I'd give this half season of tee vee six thumbs up, while Zack's frowning review of this episode gets a mere four. Only two things rang false tonight: the camp folks being so willing to follow the Gov into battle after just meeting him, and Rick yelling Corrrul!! gave me bad flashbacks to Waaaalt!

I'll also pull the 'it's what the comics are like' in defense of the show's 'we're all fucked' theme. Characters plod along trying to survive and find some semblance of happiness, but death and misery are just seconds away at all times no matter what you do.

Yes, boo on Zack for using last season's failures to grade this episode. It had a good deal of emotional impact for me, and I represent the Average Viewer although i don't have a Nielsen box.

Harsh, Zack, harsh..yes they could've wrapped this up last season but the last 2 episodes were fairly fun overall and tonight's even had stakes! I'd even say the last two episodes established Gov as a more convincing villain than the entirety of last season did. Not a ringing endorsement for the show but better late