Shock and Au Contraire

To be fair, she has to defend someone who's much more absurd than most and requires an almost complete denial of reality to do so. Like Mike Pence in the VP debate—he came off as reasonable, but he had to say that Trump didn't say stuff that we all knew he said to do it.

More like Del far away!

I try not to make fun of people's appearances—because really the problem with Conway, Bannon, and Trump has nothing to do with how they look, or what color they are, or how big their hands are—but god dammit, do they wear their characters on their hideous faces.

I wouldn't have, or I didn't, but now I'm much more cynical and probably would.

Maybe he realized he needed an Evangelical base and it was only a matter of time before someone figures out that she hated Christianity.

Are Simpsons fans the only ones who know that empowering the cultural gatekeepers behind the Grammys by giving a shit is only going to lead to heartbreak?

Hey—he demands to be taken seriously!

I went over to Wendy's for what I needed, but got a Frostee reception.

I could live without bands advertising which wealthy East Coast college they went to, though.

If you like that you should smell what Burger King does to me.

I'm pretty sure not getting any sex has LED to quite a few becoming Trump supporters.

You can't tell anyone their gender, or sexuality, but you can tell them their race.

Here's the thing: every approach has been done wrong, or done by the wrong person, or to the wrong person, or at the wrong time. There is no 100 percent good way. If you spend enough time on the internet, you'll find that men are both not assertive enough and too assertive, because there's a lot of them, and there's a

The only true test is whether or not we can borrow the car and for how long.


Natural lighting! And oh my how Shelly Duvall cried…


I mean, it's not like people who had never read Playboy for fear of being seen reading a Playboy were now rushing to the newstand to buy it anyway. No one rushes to newstands.

Shel Silverstein had a column!

Just call it "sex positive" and count it as a win.