Real Sex With Bryant Gumbel

You guys are not stable.

The sportos, the motorheads, geeks, sluts, bloods, wastoids, dweebies, dickheads - they all adore him. They think he's a righteous dude.

She's in the new Star Wars movie, playing Mrs. Sarlacc.

Her Luck has run out.

Damn anti-vaxxers!

Actually kinda dreading this because I really want to see it opening day, but I'm kinda past the point of waiting in line for 2 hours, like a LOTR movie. But I feel like I must avoid the internet until I see it.

I saw a great tweet that was a still of old Han and Chewie and it just said "True Detective Season 3"

I haven't seen Oscar Isaac in anything, so I keep thinking he looks like Emile Hirsch in that X-Wing.

I'm sure there will be some nerdy video that answers the question "Could this really happen on a planet?"

I wonder if there will be clapping in the theatre whenever a character we know is introduced, like in the prequels, or if we as a race have slightly evolved.

The remake would have been so boring if he wasn't batshit insane in it.

I believe they sold a Nic Cage t-shirt when the show started and they kinda had to stop using his image for some reason.

Osama Gon Fishin

And a year supply of Rice A-Roni: The San Francisco space age public toilet treat.®

Beets by Dre®

That's some real out of the box thinking, Peterson.

Reload the page.

"This is my milk of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins."

Robin! To the fapmobile!

Industry secret: The Sex Box is actually built directly on top of the set of "You Can't Do That On Television".