Featuring Kurt Russell as Derrick Zoolander.
With six demon bag you get eggroll.
Captain Enron
Isn't it "Man Crate"?
I completely slept on there being a new season so soon. I guess I haven't watched anything on FXX since the Simpsons marathon. It's fine, but I'm guessing the season won't be as ambitious as the previous two seasons.
I want some of Louie's fried chicken.
I cherry-pick the ones with guests I want to listen to, but Cat Stevens has come up in about 80 percent of them.
Yeah, Face/Off has like ten acts. You start to realize how long it's taking for not-Nicolas Cage to break out of prison, but it's still really enjoyable because both Travolta and Cage seem to be perfecting that stupid over-acting that has dominated their careers ever since.
I think Nathan is paired with Drunk HIstory, maybe pair it with the Hannibal Buress thing?
What are some of the worst products that you hear ads for on podcasts?
It's on YouTube, but you have to be kinda in the right mood.
Get ready to strike up the fun & laughter! You're the Statue Collector and it's your job to figure out who (or what!) your frozen friends are posing as. Each round, the Statue Collector leaves the room while the other players freeze into a pose of a person, place or thing on a category card. Players must hold the pose…
When does Review come back? Summertime?
End of May has them in L.A. for 5 nights, but I feel like the loss of Harris casts a shadow over the mirth.
I watched it with some friends back in 1996 and it was pretty forgettable but the scene where it looks like Baldwin is gonna be iced by the mafia and then it turns out he just handed them an exploding briefcase was a memorably good moment.
I looked ahead at the upcoming WHM episodes and we're in for a treat for the next 6 weeks.
The first episode was kinda annoying because Janet Varney was a little too generous with the guffaws at the outset.
I think it was on the Jeff Garlin podcast where Weiner said he knew what the final image was and he told a select few what it was and pretty much everybody hated it/didn't love it.
And yet she's still so naive to think Harry Crane can help her out without any strings attached.