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@avclub-011d0b4fe6835bb3d37ef4e0ea713de6:disqus If Don somehow got in an accident where his penis got blown off with a shotgun, they'd be perfect together.

She needs her green army jacket.

My fault for blowing through the show at a rapid pace.

However, if you noticed, the doctor checked out some of the women at SCDP. I don't think he's a stranger to infidelity, so I'm calling some kind of wife swap or something.

It's a good mix of silly snark about characters, repetition of longstanding memes, people who tend to notice the small details, and lovely bits of historical details/perspective that people drop in about advertising and the '60s in general, and a hearty combination of all of the above.

I think Betty is gonna be going through the same shit as Don. I bet she's gonna end up cheating.

It's weird because Don said his New Years wish was "for this to stop happening", which confused me, because was he telling the doctor's wife that it needs to end or was he telling her that his marriage with Megan needed to end?

I hate the AMC ads because they only remind me of those ads that HBO would add to the beginning of their prestige show DVDs, but in the case of HBO, all of the shows were bonafide classics.

Is it wrong that I only find Betty attractive when she's shooting birds with a rifle or talking about rape?


I noticed there was a lot of bald guys on this episode. Do you think any of them were a stand-in for Matthew Weiner?

Who reads Dante's Inferno on a beach in Hawaii? Cmon!

@avclub-913d3a7404f98f0ee3766e12e78506fe:disqus I guess the one chink in Megan's armor came at the last episode, where she kinda sold out her acting friend who mentioned that the commercial was looking for a European type. I bet she never talked to that friend again.

Here's the hilariously misleading episode description on my DVR:
"Don spearheads a new campaign, Roger gets some unsettling news, and Betty takes in a houseguest."

Strangely enough, wasn't that the doctor's house? Did the Drapers bring their own projector or just the reel?

I'm not actively wishing for this, but one of the great things about being in a coma for like one or two years would be sitting down and watching the best 50 movies of the last year or two, sight unseen.

Why are they still living in that shithole apartment? She should have a pretty good salary.

Maybe the series ends with Peggy and Joan getting married.

My favorite was when Betty and Don took the kids on that picnic and they just left all their garbage on the ground and then just drove away.

I'd like to see the doctor commit suicide by skiing off a building, like Richard Pryor in Superman 3.