Well, even Megan pulled some wonder joints out of her bikini.
Well, even Megan pulled some wonder joints out of her bikini.
For some reason, I thought Don was borrowing some skis.
@avclub-0bba551b5f78d9e7647cd7bc006578fe:disqus I just looked at the episode guide and the title of the season finale is "Long Term Parking"
@avclub-c34990f6267603084a127506928b8bfd:disqus Well, he said he was going out for cigarettes and then Megan said how long that would take to get cigs on New Years Eve.
But remember when she was Don's secretary (which she kinda fell into, after being the receptionist and then Blankenship croaking), she came into his office that one time and just wanted to fuck him, without any strings attached. To me, that felt like independence already.
Pretty soon she'll be Just Make It Look Like An Accident Betty.
I don't understand how you can have sex with the neighbor and then climb into bed and your wife doesn't immediately smell the sex on you.
I just don't understand why Don doesn't just move to California. He always seems more relaxed and himself when he's in Cali or in Hawaii. I wouldn't be surprised if this episode is foreshadowing his ultimate endgame, which is to shed his skin and the last shot of the series is him, naked, walking into the ocean. Is he…
I think the weed was real. How is that worse than the blatant drinking going on? You didn't notice the cases of booze in the stockroom?
When they were having that New Years Party, I was almost preparing for them to have some kind of key party. I could see Megan being okay with a swinger lifestyle.
Wow, I just thought of something interesting. Don does not want to piss her off. Aside from the real Mrs. Draper (RIP), she knows all of his secrets. Betty Francis knows some of his secrets, but not all.
Best weird moments:
1) the doctor going to the hospital in the middle of the night on his ski shoes (I never lived near snow, so maybe that's not a bizarre thing)
2) Giorgio's family sending Roger the shinebox
3) Lawrence's great comedy act (more Lawrence please!)
4) Don puking in the umbrella holder
5) the whole Jonesy…
I had a really weird experience because once Henry told that girl he wanted to see her play the violin, my pedobear senses went off, and I was happy that Betty immediately addressed it.
Jessica Pare's acting aside, what does everybody think of Megan Draper?
Yeah, I thought maybe it was the early 70s.
Yeah, I kinda felt like a 2-hour premiere was a bit much. I think it worked better last year because a) there was no Betty b) It was a paradigm shift of information, with the whole Megan thing.
They always make them arbitrary as fuck. That was damn fine work.
Well, Don's definitely gonna go to see him as a doctor at some point.
And it looks like she's gonna cheat with Teddy Chow (sp?), just like Don Draper.
If anything, this season will be a mirror to season 2, because he's really playing with fire. I have a bad feeling that Lindsay Weir is gonna be a combination of Bobby Barrett, the teacher he slept with in season 2, and that heroin addict lady played by Rosemarie DeWitt.