Vile Gash

my favorite thing about Hunter Thompson is probably the fact that he got a private audience with Richard Nixon, but was only allowed to talk about football.

as a fellow Bostonian that enjoys his sports blotter column
I don't get the Hunter S. Thompson comparisons. I mean, I guess in an abstract way, it makes some basic sense. if we're going to classify all non-objective, vulgar, hyperbolic journalism as "gonzo" and Thompson the founder, then okay. NOBODY IS ORIGINAL.

the diet Misfits are a weird halfway house for broken down old punks. Marky Ramone was their drummer and I think they've had more ex-Black Flag members in their lineup over the years than actual former first run Misfits.

who am I? I'm a fucking veteran!

Billy Carter

what's similar to a werewolf without being a werewolf?
meth gacked Chupacabra?

this thread is unBEARable.

so is this the last big name director that hasn't refused to work with Kilmer yet? who's got my checklist…

oh like you wouldn't publicly service a guy that does a flawless woodchuck impression.

and the way society has deteriorated, you probably can do that on television now.

on a related note, I will put the super back in superintendent.


"Song 2" didn't crack Top 40? that shit was fucking everywhere (and in the magical land of football stadiums, it still is. it, and Gary Glitter)

the early era of analog to digital conversion had tapes transferred to disc at a much lower compression. that's why if you buy a cd at a tag sale (you are my grandpa) and play a new, remastered cd after it (again, go back to bed pop-pop) you will in fact need to turn the volume down on your stereo.

to be fair, he only sodomized half of him.

your Sgt. Hatred bias is getting tiresome.

Hatred's impromptu paean to Princess Tiny Feet was adorable, and catchy. somebody hurry up and upload it.

least favorite so far
not to say it was Manchurian Candidate pisstake episode bad, there were parts I liked (and appearantly Shore Leave is the second best professional murderer to Brock, who knew?), but it was heavy on the not-particularly-funny plotting, without moving anything anywhere crazy. OH AND THEY KILLED

I was thinking Unknown Hinson, but then I am a huge (only?) Squidbillies fan.

"that's your problem Clark, always saying yes to anyone with a badge or a flag"