the theorista

I get that there's not much to go on, but I think they needed to make it more clear that Amy and Rory have accepted that (by showing the struggle to accept it instead of just jumping into the thick of things). Plus, they really haven't given us any indicator about the current state of baby-Melody since the mid-season

I don't mind clowns. I'm told it's because I never saw "IT." I find them mildly annoying at their worst.

I actually liked this episode quite a bit, but I didn't just find Amy and Rory's indifference to their baby situation irritating… I found it downright disturbing. I realize that's just a bad side effect of rescheduling, but it makes it seem like they're content having "raised" their daughter as Mels. I'm not a mother,

This makes me think that River's doctor might be the goo doctor. After all, dead-doctor-from-the-future definitely remembers myriad adventures with River… So if he's gooey, it might mean that he gets to travel with her.