Get A Brain Morans

One more thing: "Lawsuits a-flying these days" as elsewhere on AV Club about La Guns LLC. WAS THIS A TEST CASE? Last Xmas, they had their holiday spot, and a video of "Let Them Eat Rock"—singing w/ the insouciance of Mary Antoinette while moving Coke product. This bloodsucker is just warming up I fear. If it's me in

A cause for alarm if they can get away w/ it; break out the garlic, she ain't comin' near me! It was still the best album title since "Sandinista"

This looks like a solid masturbation flick. If that guy can sell this as hard as he sold the Infiniti Q45, watch out,

There is actually a record page at the linked government site of a patent for the shield w/ skull & band's name above it, wow. Makes you wonder about what kind of other crazy crap might be in their database. (This could be big)

Bukowski primer
I read this article because I was having emails with someone who gave me the book 12-13 years ago and I'd never read it, so I wanted pointers and this was the top search hit. I take from the legend "Better Late Than Never?" (note the punctuation) the suggested course of action is not to read it, which