
both of which are juxtaposed with iconic symbols of war in Banksy's art.

Funny how Nick Thune was a regular on the Jay Leno show and now HE'S the one who gets the lead role? I don't know that he made any public statements about it but there's no doubt in my mind that Patton was on Team Coco.

I like the succinctness of the promo. They make it very clear: this show will feature women's titties, funny jokes, and romantic tension. Also the mob.

For some reason, even in the Justin Long interview the other day, I read "Liam Neeson" and thought "Leslie Nielsen." I think it goes without saying that such a substitution would improve pretty much anything Neeson has ever been in.

ELO tends to suffer from trite lyrics, and I can't tell if they're being misogynists or setting themselves up as equal participants in the Battle That Is Love, but most 70's bands were like that (look at Derek and the Dominoes). Still, their hooks are undeniable. I listen to ELO's music and it reminds me that there

I give that joke a C-, King Bastard. "I'm always trying to get a job from it" isn't a common everyday phrase, so it's an obvious set-up for a joke. You could argue for the humor inherent in supporting a bad joke with a rim shot, but I don't think that's what you were doing.

well, aside from all the stuff mentioned above (Dwight's intensity, confidence, manliness, etc.) he's also tall and not fat, so he's got that on a lot of us, I think.

as a part-time professional designated driver (no simple way to explain) I can tell you that hoary past-generation cultural items like Adam West, etc. are drifting quickly from the collective unconscious of young people. even the Beatles were in danger of this until the video game came out.

seconded, I loved that line.

they go as far as "It was this guy!"

this may have been said before, but
I love this show. I love its characters. But I HATE the theme song.

DC doesn't have anyone as iconic as Stan Lee, Mr Fhtagn. Jack Kirby worked with them, but he's dead. You also have renowned writers and creators like Dan Didio and Geoff Johns, but all those examples aren't as closely tied with their respective publisher as Stan Lee is to Marvel. There's a small chance that someone

I saw the interaction with Stan Lee as a reflection of the current trend in comedy towards (relative) realism, i.e. Judd Apatow-produced movies, all the single-camera sitcoms on NBC and elsewhere. Granted, BBT is seen to be largely outside of that camp, but the show does have a few "iconoclastic" elements, like its

I don't think you can be blamed Mammy. Apparently you have to tread carefully when it comes to Bronze Age comics. Like the article says, aside from Manhunter, Howard The Duck, Omega The Unknown, Green Lantern/Green Arrow, Daredevil, the Fourth World Saga, The Uncanny X-Men, Conan The Barbarian, The Warlord, House of

I wonder if Ann/Mark even have the compatibility you're giving them, Skipskatte. It seems to me they might be together because they're the two "well-adjusted" ones. It's kind of like how (sorry) Jim and Pam were the sane couple in contrast to Dwight and Angela, not to mention Mr. and Mrs. Bob Vance or Kevin and his

All of Mouse Rat's bro-rock lite renditions of the standards sounded pretty cool. I guess Andy and the guys really have something if they can get all those songs down that well in (apparently) one practice!

Pam has always been a sort of nosy matchmaker, and I see what she's trying to do with Andy and Erin, and now Oscar and Matt, as an continuation/extension of the interest she took in Dwight and Angela's relationship in Season 2. As for her impulsiveness, someone who would jump ship to the Michael Scott Paper Company

I wondered if the kite gag was trying to imply that Ryan thought Toby was gay or something. I mean, yeah a kite, but a rainbow kite? What's going on?

cjcrex, Jim might have decided to keep it under wraps. nobody seemed to know that Phyllis was going to be Santa when she came in, so Michael just assumed it was a space that needed filling.