It all means she has short legs, and a wide body.
It all means she has short legs, and a wide body.
speaking of which, Santamatch is all the rage with the kids these days, I hear. It's a great way to get your hook-ups and your booty called and all that fun stuff.
it was quoting from a website cartoon, you know. [pushes up glasses]
oh wait, it was Pound Purries.
weren't the cat versions of Pound Puppies called, literally, Pound Pussies?
I think mbs was trying to say it's fitting. I agree with him.
Eric, that's some pretty pathetic trolling. Here's how you do it:
I dunno, the first season or two of resurrected FG was alright. The gags were good enough that it didn't matter too much that there was no cohesive plot throughout the episode.
also organic does not equal vegan, for those who might be confused.
I'm going this waaaaayyyy!!!
I hate that fweaking mawshmallow.
this will be the one that transcends them all. it'll actually be good, trust me.
A golden age, Captain Wiggles, really? A Golden Age?
You guys seem to be on the same track as Tasha Robinson above.
first-timers could do worse than the late-80's stories where Garfield died. Yes, I'm serious. Wikipedia.
An excerpt from Dove's review of "the Mist" (for those who have seen it):
Agreed on Frog and Toad. No shit there was a musical?
Children's Lit.
I loved reading his thoughts about Don Freeman and Syd Hoff and William Steig and the rest. I got excited because the Kurtzman landscape looked a bit like Dr. Seuss. Anyway, I'm a little disappointed that some of my favorites like Maurice Sendak, Arnold Lobel, Lynd Ward, and others got skipped over,…