
I'm with sugareatspoops on this one. It was just an unfortunate goof and Bret Michaels is just an unfortunate goof. Poor dude. He's a whore for attention but he's never been malicious towards anybody (except his own band members, which is to be expected in any band, right?).

I'm excited about that track list
Look, there's a song called "Slow Down Jo." I bet that one'll be good. Oh, there's a song called "Baby Boomer," I bet that one'll be good, too.

if I recall correctly, the Him of she and Him (M. Ward? whoever) draws some influence from the guy who wrote all the songs on that Scarlet Johanson album, right?

and somebody bring me a whore! one that can SING!

Adam was also the first man, guys.

c'mon guys I tried really hard.

"I…'ve reached…success…[at]…mak…ing…assholes…allow..my…piece."

maybe a pile of money with paisley drops around it with a bold color scheme.

that Heaven & Hell track sounded awesome…until Dio started singing.

"brutal" is like wearing your wack slacks and getting bloated while swingin' on the flippity flop.

Stamos vs. Baio sounds like it could be a good reality show. Stamos and Baio run around the city competing for the oh my god I'm one of them now

Now, if you'll excuse me, there is some ravioli on the floor with only two footprints on it.

Leela, tend to the widow Pacman.

To Captain Bender: he's the best… at being a big jerk who's stupid and his big ugly face is as dumb as a butt!

wah wah wah wah fap fap hipsters

Just what we're missing…
I was just thinking, the music world is tragically short on tongue-in-cheek techno-indie-pop. I wonder if the band shirts are going to be ironic trucker or design-major artsy?

Lee Marvin's "Wand'rin' Star" was bigger than the Beatles "Let It Be" for a period of time in the UK. Word has it Marvin was authentically drunk at times on the set.

HGL, your sadness must be clouding your ability to count.

William Randolph Shakespeare once wrote in one of his plays, and I'm paraphrasing here, "Love doth be poison." Brilliant. And a lot of people don't give Shakespeare enough credit. They think it was somebody else. A-holes.

Three time loser, are you kidding? Of course this is going to be a huge hit commercially. How am I so sure? Because it's a video game and it's going to be hyped ad nauseam. Over-overzealous hype doesn't always work with movies, but it always does with video games, because all the video game-focused media outlets