
Aww, cub.

You gotta laugh.

First, the hair tuck was definitely a Joey Potter staple. Definitely.

JD is pretty awful, buddy.

That too.

As we learn in the opening teaser of this episode, it's the blood of young women.

Holt has the best zingers.

According to the internet, he's 6'2".

Thank you for the kind words.

Dammit, B99, why do you have to go against the grain?!?

The bowling alley Boyle wanted to open with Jake — mentioned in "Payback."

Yes. To the pony. (Turns out I'm also Oprah.)

You're welcome.

Honestly, I know I'm biased, but I feel like the idea that sketch comedy shouldn't be reviewed past a surface "Is this funny?" level does quite a disservice to the product itself. Personally, I'm fascinated by the thoughts and inner-workings behind alternative comedy programs like this, and given the amount of

Thank you so much. The "fan making" one I already changed long before I saw this, but I'll get the other one.


You did not miss anything. Thanks for pointing that out. ("FUN making")

Phase versus faze has haunted me all my life.

It was bound to happen one day!

Yes, Timecops always. (Wonky AVC posting thing. Will fix.)