
I can accept (though not love) people not getting Michelle Branch references, but The A.V. Club commenters should understand specific Buffy/Angel references at all times. In my humble opinion, that is.

Alternative solution: Bring back Fastlane.

Of course it was Brodus Clay. You must have had the strong urge to call your momma.

Randy's going to take Marc Maron's Emmy nomination.

I'd agree (kind of like how he buttered Debbie up to reel her in while also speaking the truth), but I think his excitement when giving Tamme his tapes also shows he still really believes all this. He does want to jolt people and he, surprisingly, is as well-meaning as he says he is. It's just the wrong time, wrong

I don't want it to ever seem like my generalizations on this front are me insulting the intelligence of wrestling fans (because I hate that), but I think in this instance — in this particular world — what Sam is trying to do will go over the heads of the intended audiences. Like I wrote in the last review, Sam would

I figured someone else would address this, but um, Claire's not dead. The resurrection aliens and whatnot. In fact, a cure that they REALLY could have used a long time ago but I don't need to rant.

I'm thankful.

Haha, right? We need to stop this. This is the weirdest discussion I think there's ever been in this comment section. Thanks a lot, Discussion Post format!

"Nah-omi" is a whole new pronunciation for me! And Paige actually says "Nay-omi"… which is something I just looked all over the internet to confirm: https://www.youtube.com/wat…

That's not true though. They either call her Trin/Trinity or "Nay-omi," and the Canadians (like Natty/Renee)/Brits call her "Nye-omi." I think Bryan said it last week too once, after Renee had been calling her that—so that was just repeating someone's speech patterns.

More like Damien Sand-NO. Haha, nailed it.

"Nye-omi" is how she, a Canadian, usually says it. But the character has always been "Nay-omi," and finally she's saying it as such.


Counterpoint: I got all of my dance moves from these children.

Um, "why a cape?" That's just a crazy question, TC.

Yeah, I'm not one of the Chicago AVC-ers. ;) But while I do believe there would be a Taste of Riverdale, I had to call out The CW's love of weekly events leading to this being the "first annual" Taste of Riverdale (as only the *beginning* of an established town tradition). The fact that the town had never done it

My heart will break if this doesn't happen.

It's a nice touch that (so far) Archie isn't a character throwing out pop culture references. He's just too Archie.

I don't know if you watched Witches Of East End, but Amick played a really fun character there. Definitely worth checking out.