But… But… Idris Elba. And Charlie Hunnam.
But… But… Idris Elba. And Charlie Hunnam.
I was thisclose to photoshopping that…
I'm going to move the spoiler to beneath the L&O:LA picture of Corey Stoll. Thank you for commenting again about the matter; I can see that you obviously weren't trying to be antagonistic about it.
It's amazing that you brought this up, because I actually cut out a line from my review that said Fet looks like a cartoon character.
My review of the season finale will just feature various haikus about my love of Diane.
A spoiler warning is also sitting there in the "normal fun fact list," and it's not in the review itself. And if your last sentence was a separate line and said "SIXTH SENSE MOVIE SPOILER:" before it, it would be the same thing as what I did. If I had never seen The Sixth Sense, that would warn me not to read that…
But this episode in particular, that emotional resonance was necessary for the Kelly stuff. It just… It just wasn't there.
He was not great for most of the episode, but he definitely did well at the end of the episode, from his talk with Eph on.
Loved the miniseries. I'm cautiously excited for this. I don't want it to be a disaster, especially since, so far, great casting.
*knocks over a gnome, just to make a point*
Now it is! The joys of disappearing text in editing.
"Love me or hate me, I'm out there every night." - Scott
I'd like to say that if I'm a sheep, I at least belong in front of the herd for calling out the Billy Zane-esque nature.
Season 8 is both great and frustrating because for the first time in years, they were doing some really interesting character studies. Both Davis/Doomsday and Tess were fantastic additions to the show; Sam Witwer and Cassidy Freeman really were great, and I'd say Cassidy mostly saved those last couple of seasons. But…
I will defend season eight (except for those Lana episodes and that finale that still gives me rage blackouts) with my life. And then I will shamelessly plug my Smallville rewatch blog that I really need to stop neglecting. offscreenville.tumblr.com
You take Parrish, I'll take Chris.
Hey guys, if I stop trying to make sense of the show, I'll be out of a job!
"They take away his powers and he's totally fine with it. No angst, nothing. This is a guy who was born a werewolf. Imagine a superhero being stripped of his powers and just being like 'eh.'"
Much like J. Lo, she's real.